Do you think that JWN is giviing some kind of meaning to your life on a daily basisthrough your various contributions?
Has your contributions on JWN given you something meaningful to do?
by His Excellency 14 Replies latest jw friends
It has given me a sense of what the LIE-ble actually has to say, without any bias. Instead of reading it through the washtowel, or trying to understand the cat lick interpretation of it, I simply see what it actually says and go from there. And, if it condones hatred for those who do not worship joke-hova while it bashes women, gays, slavery, and torture while the majority of its followers practice blatant hypocrisy, then it trashes itself and both the Jewish and Christian religions that are based on itself. (As I haven't seen much of the Quran, I will let that bash Islam--but its own practices of slavery, torture, the face veils on women, stoning homosexuals to death, and enforced penance does a pretty good job of that).
Also, I have seen a religion I used to practice for what it actually is. They claim to abide by the LIE-ble, but don't. They claim to be fully Christian, yet they honor Tyrant David (a scumbag that was full of hatred for everything outside its nation) more than Jesus, who they would be honoring if they were Christian. The religion is nothing more than a hybrid Pharisaic/Pauline front on a MLM scam associated with threats of getting destroyed if you don't meet your quota, and is a parasite on anyone that falls for it.
It keeps be busy and off the streets
When I first left the influence of the WT, I felt all alone.
No one seemed to understand what I was going through.
I hope that my contributions here help people get through those rough times.
When I first left the influence of the WT, I felt all alone.
No one seemed to understand what I was going through.
I hope that my contributions here help people get through those rough times.
At this point, I'm still here primarily for me and the contact with those who understand. But I also hope that I contribute something that helps others who are on this same new journey.
I can say that the contributions of others here has given me plenty of something meaningful to do.
Well I wouldn't say... "given me something to do",
but ...a way to untangle those old beliefs & chop
out the roots!
It was really a 'revelation' in the beginning, 3 years ago.
I never realized how deep I was "in" or how evil the wt is!
Now I know, but still find the lives of others in this situation,
After 50 yrs in, and a 3 yr struggle to strip this wt personality off,
I hope that my experience has been a help to those who are looking.
Not really. Given the amount of time i've been here, the meaningful thing for me, would be to move on. Guess, its a comfort level thing, like chocolate or beer. I mean, what meaning is there for beer? Do beer and chocolate need meanings?
I keep on meaning to do something meaningful but I never seem to get around to it.