The key is to chop up blood into small enough pieces so that it is no longer blood. Makes sense to me.
HEMOPURE Big on the NEWS (Artificial Blood)
by Refriedtruth 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's right NYmale; little bits of blood is not really blood, so we are still pleasing Jehovah!
Has anyone done research to find out how much cows blood is actually in this product, or this product synthisized using just dna from cows blood? Details anyone?
(found googling "hemopure manufacturer")
So different from my days of researching through the card catalogs, microfiche, and dusty tomes.
This brings to mind the old saying, "What's good enough for humans, is also good enough for animals". Well maybe...
So, if the Watchtower "approves" selected fractionated blood derivatives from human donated blood, it's a breeze to approve selected blood derivatives from bovine blood.
"The key is to chop up blood into small enough pieces so that it is no longer blood. Makes sense to me. "
If that was really the case with the WTBTS, then the major components should be allowed. Plasma is not blood. Red cells are not blood. White cells are not blood. Platelets are not blood.
The GB would forbid drinking wine, and then not allow you to eat grapes while drinking a glass of water. The water would have to be broken down into Hydrogen and Oxygen before it would be acceptable. I know that sounds dumb, and it is....
A friend of mine wrote that the brother is doing well and grazing in the field behind his house.
I am always a sucker for the comments section on these things. A comment from what is no doubt is an jagoff elder is just too good to not have a public record of. He is talking to some guy that sounds like he is on the way out.
So then you have made up your mind NOT to follow the Faithful Slave that Christ has appointed for our day. That is your decision, your right. But that means you are in fact no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. You cannot ask Jehovah to make an exception for you because you do not trust Him.
Keep this one thought as I depart from you. EVEN IF our current understanding on the sanctity of blood is incorrect (and I do not believe it is), you are still being disloyal to Jehovah IF HE ALLOWS the current position to remain. You, exhibit more interest in this life than in Everlasting Life and minimize his ability to resurrect the dead. In that Abraham & Isaac's faith condemn you.
i posted the news article on facebook, one person replyed something about the guys conscience. I hoping a few others reply then i'll let them know that the Watchtower approved this stuff, that should make a few think.