Governing Body theft: Catholic 'magisterium' and kicking CHRIST out of christianity

by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    The Catholic Church is founded upon Magisterium which is the doctrine that Jesus began a long succession of priests who administered his kingdom work and education through Peter and his subsequent Popes. Moreover, Jesus gave this Catholic Church the right to make policy which heaven would back up with divine authority.

    The Protestant Reformation nullified this idea by presenting a rival doctrine of SOLA SCRIPTURA which is the doctrine that no priesthood is necessary for an individual human being. Sola Scriptura says one man and one bible is what God will work through directly as long as Jesus is invoked as the mediator.

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses coalesce around the doctrine that the MAGISTERIUM applies to them as "anointed" and no Lone Ranger christian can go around them.

    In one fell swoop JW's stole the Catholic doctrine and stepped on the Protestant alternative!

    When Pastor Russell produced his STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES it was promoted as superior to reading the bible itself. This destroyed the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura. In place of one man/one bible through Jesus a hierarchy of "faithful and discreet slave" was interposed in much the way the Pope and his priests served in the Catholic Church. Jehovah would ONLY work through an ORGANIZATION and not through identities of solo believers.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of Doctrine Shopping by, in effect, stealing the Catholic doctrine and applying it to themselves and replacing the Pope with "anointed".

    The Protestant Reformation is set back 500 years!

    The corruption of the Catholic heirarchy and the Pope is well demonstrated by history. The corruption of Jehovah's Witness theology through End Times predictions which have repeatedly failed (100% failure) demonstrate no connection with a Supreme Being who administers Truth.

    Yet, Jehovah's Witnesses insist on calling their religion THE Truth.

    HOWEVER....consider this:

    For Jehovah's Witnesses the "Jehovah" is a Brand in much the same way Coca Cola or Honda are brands.

    If JW's were monotheists such a distinction would be redundant. But, monotheism isn't part of JW theology because Jesus has the status of "a god". (NWT rendering of John 1:1)

    Consequently, JW's are forced to distinguish Jesus FROM Jehovah and distinguish themselves from christians for whom CHRIST is the essential brandname (CHRISTian).

    The theology of Jehovah's Witnesses centers around the religion itself and not God in a Narcissistic self-importance quite beyond the pale.

    Whatever role Jesus has in JW theology is a prop for the activity of the human servant of the Watchtower Society which has branded them Jehovah's Witness and not Jesus' Witness or Christ's Witness.

    The purpose of the door to door activity is to create a category of publicity for the Watchtower because of the magazines distributed (Watchtower) that no longer announce the advent of Jesus Christ in deference to Jehovah's Kingdom.


    For Jehovah's Witnesses the "Jehovah" is a Brand in much the same way Coca Cola or Honda are brands.

    If JW's were monotheists such a distinction would be redundant. But, monotheism isn't part of JW theology because Jesus has the status of "a god". (NWT rendering of John 1:1)

    Consequently, JW's are forced to distinguish Jesus FROM Jehovah and distinguish themselves from christians for whom CHRIST is the essential brandname (CHRISTian).

    The theology of Jehovah's Witnesses centers around the religion itself and not God in a Narcissistic self-importance quite beyond the pale.

    Whatever role Jesus has in JW theology is a prop for the activity of the human servant of the Watchtower Society which has branded them Jehovah's Witness and not Jesus' Witness or Christ's Witness.

    The purpose of the door to door activity is to create a category of publicity for the Watchtower because of the magazines distributed (Watchtower) that no longer announce the advent of Jesus Christ in deference to Jehovah's Kingdom.

  • Terry

    Trivia Question: What year did Jehovah's Witnesses stop worshipping JESUS?




  • Isidore

    That the WTBS is a caricature of the CC is not exactly a news flash, Terry. One was founded by Christ 2000 years ago, the other, well you know the rest of that already....

  • Terry

    The "news flash" is nobody who is a JW and few who are EX's ever speak about the magisterium of the Governing Body "as such" nor

    does the dates 1954 come up as signficant.

    I think it is not something that should be back burner or "inside baseball."

    Are you saying, "Ho hum"?

  • Fernando

    On the outside - chalk & cheese.

    Underneath the hood - the same engine.

    "Ho hum" is not what comes to mind at all.

    Magisterium is a key concept and fraud worth exposing in detail.

    Once gain the Watchtower clergy speak of themselves in the third person:

    *** w98 10/15 p. 5 Can You Believe the Bible? ***
    The Catholic Church, on the other hand, believes that it possesses the magisterium, or teaching authority, by which it interprets what is taught in the Bible. You might wonder, though, ‘What if such interpretations seem to be at odds with the Scriptures?’

    *** w94 2/15 p. 26 The Assumption—A Dogma Revealed By God? ***
    In Catholicism a dogma, unlike a simple belief, is said to be a truth solemnly formulated either by an ecumenical council or by the pope’s “infallible magisterium.”

    *** g90 6/22 p. 8 Why the Divisions? ***
    Jesus’ words to the Pharisees might well be applied to the magisterium of the Catholic Church: “You have made God’s word ineffective by means of your tradition.”

    *** g89 2/8 p. 4 Are Popes Infallible? ***
    Hasler maintained that “the vagueness of the concepts” allows both for an extensive application of the dogma in order to increase the power of the pope and for a more limited interpretation so that when faced with wrong teachings of the past, one can always support the claim that these are no part of the so-called infallible “magisterium.” In other words, it is a “heads I win, tails you lose” situation.
    “Infallibility” means, then, that the pope, even though he makes mistakes like all other humans, does not err when defining matters of faith and morals ex cathedra, acting in the office of shepherd of the Roman Catholic Church.

    The Watchtower clergy are also not above a bit of blatant lying and distortion of the facts/reality:

    *** w53 10/15 p. 621 “The Watchtower”—a Bible Study Aid ***
    Since it is apparent that we do need help to understand the Bible, why, of all the religious literature published, should we look to The Watchtower for this help? First of all, because it adheres strictly to the Bible; it lets “God be found true, though every man be found a liar.” (Rom. 3:4, NW) It is not restricted by any creeds or traditions of men, but stands solely and solidly on the Scriptures. It does not bow down to, nor does it claim to speak for, a magisterium that assumes an authority above that of God’s Word. Even as Jesus did, it continually supports its statements and explanations with “It is written.” (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10; 11:10; 21:13; 26:24, 31, NW) And even as Jehovah invites his earthly creatures, so The Watchtower invites all its readers: “Come now, and let us reason together.”—Isa. 1:18, AS.

  • Fernando

    Magisterium (we are always right, no matter how wrong we are) is a prominent practice in Judging Committees, although there is some yes-no to-and-fro handwringing confusion when a reader presents an apologetic question:

    *** w81 2/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
    Are Jesus’ words at Matthew 18:18-20 to be understood to mean that heaven is bound by decisions made by men on earth?

  • Fernando

    I wonder if this can be described as introducing "Corporate Magisterium" by stealth:

    *** w55 5/15 p. 311 par. 12 Christian Channel of Communication ***
    Just as no individual since Jesus’ day has been singled out in the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, so no single individual has comprised God’s special prophet since Jesus, the Great Prophet. For this reason Jesus made plans for an anointed congregation of disciples to become the collective channel in the earth making known God’s communications. Looking ahead to the operation of this channel Jesus said: “Truly I say to you men, Whatever things you may bind on earth will have been bound in heaven and whatever things you may loose on earth will have been loosed in heaven.” Note that the things to be restrained or freed here on earth must first be bound or loosed in heaven with instructions communicated to the organized group on earth. This power is organizational in scope and applies to no one man, as claimed by the Catholic Church in saying that this authority is vested in the one man, the pope.—Matt. 18:18, NW.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey Fernando, those quotes shoot the WT in the foot really hard. What a bunch of hypocrites! Yeah, they obscure the matter by not using 'majesterium' to apply to themselves, but it's the same freaking practice! Arrrgh. I hate them so much.

  • Fernando

    Indeed, Julia, the less we drink their koolaid the worse they look!

  • Isidore

    No, Terry. I am not saying ho hum. The WTBS has been an instrument of evil, destroying many who have come to know that the WT is not the true religion by ruining them from ever trusting God again. This website is living proof of it. I pray for all of you here to be healed.

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