zeb - well done
What is the best thing that ever happened in your life?
by creativespirit 20 Replies latest jw friends
LoisLane looking for Superman
Zeb...That's fantastic! and 3 Gold stars!
Just Lois
I don't think I've had the best thing happen to me yet.
I have travelled to the UK, Rome & Paris and I must say seeing the collesium was fabulous, with my love of history, that was a very good thing.
I have left the JW faith, a brilliant thing.
I have been into the bush and seen wild animals and I love nature and animals.
I have shared much heartfelt laughter with friends and that is always a great thing.
I saw my very loved sausage dog, Esther, give birth to her puppies - that was a beautiful thing.
I am not married, not in love and I don't know that a person will ever be able to be the best thing to ever happen to me.
.......I await the best thing.
Julia Orwell
Getting married to my husband!!!!!!!!!! BEST DAY EVER
wow loubelle - you got some experiences there that I am totally jealous of and would love to do some day.
it's taken me 40 yrs, long orad, hard journey, but wow, surivor skills are second to none hey.
i have seen foals born, lambs born, goats, puppies, chickens. But, to go into the bush in africa and see those things, that is the ultimate. We can only dream of that stuff.
when you are ready, it will happen, but you will be in charge and you will choose it
*lost* I agree about the choice thing. When I do love - I will choose :)
It will get better...
Getting married to my best friend and having my two gorgeous children.
lou your in for a great life, your in charge of it all now. it's up to you to make it happen.
i love knowing now what love really is. (love actually, like the film, lol )
i love knowing i am truly loved.
i love knowing i can trust again.
i love that i can wear what i want, dress how i want (within reason like, lol) talk how i want
i love the freedom
it has been a long time coming girl, but boy, when it does, wham. you got work to do now.
setting down strong foundations to build the rest of your life on, right.
OK, here I am again - late at night, when I mostly lurk these days.
LouBelle, I was surprised to find you on my thread. I have been reading about you in some recent threads, and so, I just want to say hi. My positive thoughts go your way.
I thought about another thing that was a wonderful thing that happened in my life after I checked out last night.
I was pondering this website and how much it helped me to find peace in my decision to leave WTS. I actually left a long time ago, but always had nagging questions and doubts about my decision. Coming here fully convinced me that the WTS is not "the truth", never was. That conviction has been invaluable to my peace of mind and closure.
so #4) JWN. Pretty good ranking.
Not listening to the jws in my family and marrying my non-jw husband....