How long has this been going on!?

by Julia Orwell 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Yea even though wifey whines about her meeting attendance from time to time, she sure loves her saturday mornings to sleep in on, and haveing me maker her coffee when she feels like getting up. Then it's usually off for breakfast.

    I kinda spoil her just to make the differance between the WT land, and the real world, much more apparent.

    Good luck and congradulations on joing the other 99.5% or mankind

  • Oubliette

    It's been said before, but it is worth repeating: Welcome to the rest of your life!

  • clarity

    Often see dubs after their mtgs all dressed up, rushing into the

    supermarket for groceries ... & I can't stop looking at them....

    like watching a train wreck ..hahhahahha.

    I used to wish & long for ...just a couple of weeks off from mtgs

    & service so I could catch my breath for dogs sake!!! LOL



    I will miss you when you get destroyed at Armageddon!

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    I remember my mother asking me when I first left "what do you do with all your free time?" with that concerned sad look on her face....I told her that I LOVE sleeping in Sunday mornings & my classes and work take up all the rest of my "free time"...truth is even though I am as busy as I was as a JW, I feel alive! I am tired but not mentally exhausted....I am working hard but now working towards something, not just spinning my wheels!!!

    And....I love men with beards, dressing in short dresses or rock band t-shirts and baggy comfy clothes, watching thursday nite television, and happy hour!!!!

    Its great that your having a good time!!!!


  • flipper

    I know it's cliche but " today is the first day of the rest of your life ! " Everyday to me is positive since I exited the Witnesses and stopped attending in 2003. Life is great ! I'm really happy for you and your husband Julia ! What you are experiencing is finally enjoying " normal human life and living " - something we did not experience as Jehovah's Witnesses. There was NOTHING normal about the JW life - even though the WT Society tried to TELL us it was normal- it was not , it was being a mouse in a controlled environment run by mad scientists called the "governing body ". Enjoy your life ! Way to go

  • Roberta804

    Oh it does keep getting better. I think it took me 3 years to really believe I actually had Tuesday and Thursday nights just for me and the point where I did not stop and think of meeting first. The weekends were easy to get used to.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yeah weekends r easier. Feeling so much more alive like u all said, and free of weird fears. I'm only doing good in the world and can talk to random people at the shops or work without feeling guilty that I should be witnessing to them and are responsible for their lives.

    Ly husband is finally looking at a new exciting career too doing something he'll love rather than just whatever. Life's good when it's not got Satan around every corner every time you wanna do something normal.

  • Xanthippe

    Hey Julia glad you're having a good, relaxing time. Thanks for reminding me how my life used to be 20 or so years ago. Feeling guilty over not witnessing to people at the shops, I'd forgotten that. Just to be able to be normal with people. Yeah you're right, it takes the stress out of life. Weekends seem to go on forever don't they? Enjoy!

  • Pistoff

    I love reading books that I used to avoid, thinking they were not advisable for 'christians' (afraid)

    Now I read whatever I want

    I love knowing I can read something and decide for myself whether or not it makes sense, or has any validity.

    lol, I am no longer afraid of a science book, I guess

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