We know that WT has been inflating the hours spent for a long time so that their "growth" looks good on paper and for bragging rights.
Here is a quote from the 2008 KM:
*** km 9/08 p. 3 Question Box ***
? May both parents report the time used for the regular family study?
In the past, only the parent conducting a family study with unbaptized children would report the time, even when both parents were involved in the discussion.
However, this is being adjusted. If during the family study both parents share together in teaching the children, then both may count a maximum of one hour a week as field service. Of course, parents generally spend much more than one hour a week teaching their children. Training children involves constant effort on the part of both parents. (Deut. 6:6-9) However, the monthly field service report should reflect primarily what is being accomplished in the field. Therefore, no more than one hour a week is to be counted, even if the study lasts longer than an hour, is conducted more than once a week, or separate studies are conducted with the children. Only one parent would report the family Bible study and up to one return visit each week that the study was conducted.
So since 2008 DOUBLE the # of family study hours and RVs are counted. Also most of the Dubbs count time "creatively" so the billions of hours reported in "field serve-us" has to be way less, maybe only half of their figures IMO...