Is the U.S. headed toward financial ruin? Your opinions please....

by tresdecu 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    Not trying to sound like a conpiracy nut...but just read this article:

    Is this just a lot of talk? Hard to know who or what to actually believe anymore.

  • jgnat


    Long, slow, hard road to recovery.

  • FadeToBlack

    They are already ruined. Just playing 'kick the can down the road' at the moment. Best it will ever be (for most of us) was in the mid 70's.

    Long, slow descent. Read Jame Kunstler's 'The Long Emergency' or his latest: 'Too much magic'. If you are new to this.

  • designs

    Always check in with the Oracle of Omaha.

  • heathen

    oh yah we're screwed and now another 6 trillion to take care of the immigration problems , how wonderful .

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Once I got away from all the doom and gloom the Watchtower pumped into my mind every week, the last thing in the world I want is to let someone else do the same thing. The FACT is this. No one knows the future, it is that simple. Remember, economists have accurately predicted 12 of the previous 4 recessions. The best thing I can do for my mental health is stay away from that crap, stay out of personal debt and get on with my life. Just my 2 cents worth.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    I just did a "Google" search: "Is slanted?"

    One of the first results:

    They specialize in spam. If you subscribe, you will get several messages each day from them and other "partners" who would just love for you to subscribe to their service for a fee. Furthermore, any news they do send you is slanted towards the tea party and reads more like propaganda than news. If you tell them to stop spamming you, they ignore you and send you more. This company is associated with and AfterShock.

    Basically they are fear mongering for profit . . . . sound like any other corporation you might be familier with?

  • problemaddict

    No I do not think so. In fact the national debt is going down fast. Could be out of the wind by 2015 at the current pace. Maybe if we actually cut military spending we could stay there.

    Long recovery, too much income disparity, and the need to overhaul social programs to account for our changes as a nation. These are things to talk about. Using hyperbole in regards tot he USA'a financial stand isn't doing anyone any good.

  • slimboyfat

    I have thought so for years now, but it has been a long time coming.

    Ultimately though I believe in the saying: things that can't go on forever, must come to an end.

    The US fiscal situation is surely simply unsustainable.

    Is that what this thread is about?

  • Pterist

    The crash in 2008 is beyond a financial disaster. It has revealed the total corruption in all areas of our beloved capitalist system. The dollar as we all know is not based on a unit of gold anymore, and "we" just print money. Countries in Europe that were scammed and bankrupt by purchasing Wal Street's "AAA" derivatives, aka hidden toxic investments can NOT print their way out as they are controlled by the EU.

    The USA is already bankrupt, bluffing is the new standard and nobody wants to see them fall as the results would be catastrophic. IMHO

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