Today the verdict was read for Jodi Arias, in her slaughter of her former lover Travis Alexander.
Have you followed this four month long trial? If so, what are your thoughts?
by FlyingHighNow 32 Replies latest jw friends
Today the verdict was read for Jodi Arias, in her slaughter of her former lover Travis Alexander.
Have you followed this four month long trial? If so, what are your thoughts?
I saw some night coverage at Headline News. My concern was that HLN, esp. Nancy Grace, were stirring up a lynch mob to garner better ratings. The lawyers, particularly Grace, are idiot cartoons. I noticed that two decent lawyers are never on her show but are on other HLN News. My gut feeling is that she was guilty of first degree murder.
The case raised issues with me at which point conduct is mitigated by mental disorder. Some crimes must be punished regardless of the defendant's life circumstances. I felt sorry for her mother and aunt who always were present - tho she told what everyone suspects are fantasies of abuse she thougth would exculpate her.
What do you think? I felt the jury should be sequestered. HLN revealed so many telling items that point to a larger truth than allowed by common law testimony. She is far from normal.
I honestly believe that almost all here have suffered more abuse than she could prove or even invent.
Mormonism was on trial in some respects. As long as there was no vaginal sex, hey go ahead and do it, no matter how depraved. Very legalistic. If anyone is feeling lonely, watch some Jodie Arias testimony videos. Guaranteed to make you glad that you are alone.
My thought is I don't really give a sh*t about what is essentially local crime news, and I'm sick of the coverage.
If she were not white and blonde, would there have any but nominal media coverage? No. Travis Alexander evidently had an outsized personality with Prepaid Legal. I ended up at Bellevue and was shocked by hundreds of flyers for missing black children and adults. According to the news, it is impossible for a black or Latino to be missing. Heck, it is impossible for a brunette to be missing.
What do you think?
First let me say, I will be relieved when the whole thing is completely overwith. I have avoided most of the murder shows like Snapped and Cold Case, etc. for many years because they make it seem like there are murderers and murders in bigger numbers than there actually are. It begins to seem that everyone is murdering or wants to murder someone. I try to keep my focus more on what is going right in my life and the greater world, simply because if I dwell on the dark things, the broken things of this world, it sinks me, too.
I believe Jodi is guilty of 1st degree murder. I believe she is extremely broken and as you said, far from normal. Her personality disorders and sociopathy allowed her to form a diabolical plan to snuff out the future and life of Travis Victor Alexander. I wonder if she enjoyed having sex with him those couple of times that day and spent the 13 hours working up her nerve to finally do the evil deed. I wonder how much anger and adrenalin it takes for a 125 lb, 5'6" inch woman to drag a big, dead man back into that shower.
I became intrigued just watching her bizarre, manipulative actions and drama. I have done a lot of shaking my head.
Now she is saying she wants the death penalty. Is she living out the tale of Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby? "Do anything you wants wid me, but don't you throw me in that there briar patch, Brer Fox."
Right now, the compassion and tender mercies in me lean towards life in prison. I don't know how I will feel tomorrow.
A final word: wow.
The missing notices are different in my area, there are many notices for missing black and latin kids and teenagers. There is a whole wall of them at Wal-mart.
Jodi dyed her hair blonde. She is a brunette. She is half latino.
I think the reason this case was highlighted and followed so closely by the national media is because Travis was a Mormon, who actually brought Jodi in and baptized her. And then there was the titillation factor with all the steamy sex. The day I discovered the trial on TV, I was watching in one room in sleepy stupor, having stumbled on it accidentally. Andy was in the other room and came in and said, "What are you watching? All I can hear from the other room is, "MORMON--anal sex--MORMON--anal sex."
The only accurate legal analysis may be that never before in an America courtroom were such terms routinely used by defendant, prosecutor,and defense lawyers.
Now there is a ticker that she is tweeted that death is a mercy. Does she think the jury will think she wants to die and then decide to let her live?
What makes such a person?
All the jurors must be death qualified. They support the death penalty. Anyone with concerns about execution were kept off the jury.
Part of me believes that privately her lawyers may be happy. She had to constantly disobey them.
There was a heated argument between her and her defense team after the verdict. Everyone thinks that her team did not want her to give an interview. It can be used as evidence of lack of remorse tomorrow, during the penalty phase and in future hearings and trials.
I think she is thinking APPEAL. This is why she is still acting as if there was no premeditation and that she killed Travis, the "pervert batterer" in self defense. I believe she continues to be in denial of the reality of her conviction and that she really could be put to death.
My girlfriend watched a lot of the trial coverage on HLN, so I saw a lot of it too. Jodi is such a disturbed individual that I can hardly stand to look at her image on the TV.
I was stunned by the Casey Anthony verdict (still am - CHRIST what was that jury thinking?) and so I was pessimistic about the Jodi Arias trial. Glad the jury didn't shirk their responsibility the way the Casey Anthony and OJ juries did.
FHN - lol
"Mormon-anal sex - Mormon - anal sex"!