commentary on the letter of james

by sosoconfused 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sosoconfused

    does anyone know where I can find an electronic copy of this publication

    I have a small project I am working on and it would be very helpful

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    Yes I would also like to get a copy of this. I have it in WTLIB but not pdf

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    You may want to contrast the WT view with modern day mainstream academic views. I tend not to trust sources after the Witnesses so I telephone former profs. and ask for referrals. Academics will differ about minor details. Their command of the NT, the OT, and the culture is mind blowing. Decades later, I still find it incredible b/c my baseline is the Witnesses.

    Scholars do not order you what to believe. They state their views. Faith is another matter. In a hurry, I call Union Theological Seminary in NY and speak with the bookstore manager. If I am overly paranoid, I call Harvard Divinity or Princeton Theological seminary. There may be better sources but I know the mindset of thse particular seminaries.

    Sometimes I even call Woodstock Jesuit Seminary in NY to ask for a Catholic point of view. The above seminaries are very Protestant.

    I have no easy answers in the end. It is sad but most Christians have no idea of the rich intellectual tradition of the church.

  • sosoconfused

    The commentary on the letter of James was the book that the WTBTS told all of its members to get rid of.

    They never told them that it was written by an individual who they labelled an apostate.

    The interesting thing about this publication is it is one of the only books written by the WTBTS that wasn't full of hate speech and scary doctrine.

    it was actually a very loving and well thought out publication that was a joy to read IN COMPARISON to the other items they released.

  • Jeffro


    The commentary on the letter of James was the book that the WTBTS told all of its members to get rid of.

    The book has been included in every release of the Watchtower Library CD, including the most recent release. So the claim that JWs were told to get rid of it is false.

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    ATLANTIS Probably has this and can post it for download

  • EdenOne

    The instruction to discard all books previous to 2006 was given to the literature servants in the KH, in the event that these were in stock. To the best of my knowledge, there's no such instructions given to individual publishers nor to those in charge of keeping the libraries within the KH.


  • TheOldHippie

    And the instruction on discarding older literature also stated that at first the literature should be made available on the counter desk so that each publisher could have the chance of getting the piece for him/herself, and after that the remaining stock should be discarded.

  • AnnOMaly
  • sosoconfused

    Thank you AnnOMaly!!

    Let me clarify. My father who is now 74 told me when they stopped printing the book the reason was because the writing of it was done by someone who turned evil slave and they recieved instructions to get rid of it for that reason.

    Maybe it was his old age or a solo C.O., but that was what I was told.

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