This place is awsome! I love it!
Wasted away !!
by GeneBean 13 Replies latest jw friends
Anything that isn't spoon fed to Gene is a waste. It's a miracle that he's even on the internet. Aint that right Geney??? That' a good lad. Off to the kingdom hall with you.
Naeblis, I got the impression Gene was a youth maybe an eigth grade wannabee.
How many spelling/grammar errors can be spotted in his post?!
I don't think that spelling or grammar is an accurate prerequisite for intelligence. I know many geniuses who will routinely incorrectly spell even the most mundane of words. However it is his actual message in this case that is of concern. For it shows a lack of thought, imagination and any semblance of rational thought. I salute him however for his clever handle. Genebean rhymes. It is stunning. I wet myself with my joy and amusement.