i know Jehovah created all life through his son Jesus, recenttly i have been reading about different races of ET beings visiting our planet and claiming to be a form of us from the future, i,m just wondering can anyone tell me if there is any scriptural refrences to these beings.
what do Jehovah's witness believe in relation to alien races
by quinn777 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow this is a can of worms subject.
I remember some years ago reading in a watchtower that basically JW don’t really believe in life on other planets. Inter-dimensional life is another ball of wax entirely but angels and demons cover that one as far as JWs are concerned. On the subject of classic alien life forms, they teach that the universal issue of sovereignty is well, universal. Satan caused the rebellion and Jesus answered that rebellion as a man and because God is universal sovereign, with a right to rule that was questioned by Satan, and answered by Jesus, then no life elsewhere could have been created. Much of this reasoning centres around Adam being tempted by Satan on earth, and only 6 thousand years ago and not on some alien world where other intelligent beings lived. Jesus also lived on earth. So they figure it is unlikely then that God created any other worlds with life. It also involves denying evolution for similar type reasons as that involves God literally hand crafting life. Time travel would also be denied for similar universal sovereignty issues apart from it being impossible scientifically speaking.
Welcome Quinn777.
As a kind of a taster to JWN may I ask some questions to get the old grey matter flowing?
i know Jehovah created all life through his son Jesus,
What brings you to this conclusion?
I have not witnessed any evidence of ET's etc. I'm not saying there aren't any...I have seen no evidence.
is any scriptural
refrences to these beings.
As I always say, you can make the scriptures say what you want them to say or what you feel they say. It's all down to confirmation bias.
I stick by the philosophy that in order to prove something there must be evidence....not annecdotes or flights of fancy.
ah yes but if a seed is planted does it stay a seed, no it grows, and Jehovah is the first and the last so he has been here before us and has seen this time as he has seen a million years from now so as we grow and develop will we not change just as a seed just as the universe grows, we could still be in the seed stage now not even have broken our cases open, a refining of gold takes many heatings and coolings to make it pure so too must human purification and clensing , no?
Jehovah cannot lie, all scripture is inspired by Jehovah, scripture tell us all things were made through the son hence my belief.
Quinn777 - I used to think that too.
I now no longer use the Bible to prove the Bible as one can do this with any holy book. I'm sure the muslims use the quran to prove the quran.
I took a step back and started to find ACTUAL evidence outside of the Bible for Jesus and god. Search the threads. I hope you'll be intrigued.
I hope you enjoy reading these.
Jehovah cannot lie, all scripture is inspired by Jehovah, scripture tell us all things were made through the son hence my belief.
Wow. That's some extremely weak circular reasoning.
Given the number of galaxies in the universe, the existence of life on other planets is considerably more likely than the existence of an eternal magical creator-being, especially the bloodthirsty deity posited by the Abrahamic religions. However, there is no reliable evidence that extra-terrestrials have visited Earth.
I think there is room to still beleive in the value of the bible, God and Jesus even though the WT may be wrong.
I think there is room to still beleive in the value of the bible, God and Jesus
Well I don't.