Nearly Lost It at Work

by LouBelle 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I've made no secret that I do not like the place or the people where I work.

    I've had to borrow money to get my drums/brakes fixed. I dropped my car off this morning before work.

    I hesitantly spoke to one of the bosses (female that is SO irritating) asking if I could please go pick up the car once they phoned to say it was ready - If I could use the time I usually took for lunch. She said on condition that I was here when she wanted to go through some test we had written (always writing stupid little tests) So I asked if she knew when that would be and she said she had no idea. I then said I will rather phone and arrange to pick the car up during my set lunch break 1-2pm. As it would take out the confusion.

    At 1:15, I had arranged for my mother to pick me up to take me to the workshop, as I'm walking out the door this woman asks me where I am going. I mention I'm off to pick up my car as arranged. She says "no you can't go, I'm going over the tests with you guys now so you need to stay and be present" I told her someone was here to pick me up " no, you can't go, I won't be long. I told you we were going to do this after I had finished watching the rugby" (she never did and I don't have access to the tv as I'm in an open office)

    Well I could have smacked her upside her head and shouted. I felt the anger/rage/ boil instantly and I felt my eyes and stare go hard (I don't know if you know what I mean by that)

    I quickly phoned my mum to say sorry I can't go now (she's outside waiting for me) and I'll have to walk there later on. I sat in this meeting with 4 other people going over our tests. This woman then goes into deep explanation about each company and their core business and her experiences. An hour and a half later the meeting ends.

    I've heard another position is coming up at the place where I temped (Independent Newspapers) I'm 'praying' it does and I might just resort to begging for the position.

    Can't wait to get out of here and just go have my weekend.

    *rant over*

    **had to take 3 calming tablets**

  • cantleave

    She sounds like a passive-aggressive control freak!

  • Splash

    Email her in future.

    If it's not written down it hasn't been said.

    Sounds like she made you miss your dinner break. HR might have something to say about that.

    Next time by more obscure, tell her you have an important appointment that you can't miss.


  • punkofnice

    I hate these control freak bosses.

    Get evidence and report the cow.

  • JeffJ

    Don't let on that you are looking and just be as pleasent as you can. She sounds like she would go out of her way to ruin your chances at a new job if she felt any animosity.

  • Glander

    If the employee has a scheduled meal break it is none of the employers business where they go as long as they are back at the scheduled time.

    Glad you at least gave her the "laser beam" eyes.

  • skeeter1

    I once had a total nutcase of a boss. He was so disliked that his peers (some from other companies) made a special point of sympathizing to me when we met at social events. One of his peers told me that his current wife used to work with my boss. He had to come up to give his apologies to me, and to let me know my boss was a "nut job." Just like your boss, my boss was a control freak .... but punched walls (literally). Make a tiny mistake or do something a little different, and he went on a tiraid. In one of his yelling fits, he sat in my office for more than an hour with a strange look in his eye and was claiming I had ADHD. Yes, he was condescending and abusive. I have been through alot of schooling, jobs, all exceptional, no one said I had ADHD. . . until I met him.

    I was planning a vacation, put in for it, and had talked about it alot . . . when he decided I needed to stay the entire weekend. I asked him if there was someone else who could do the project because my kids were hoping to go on vacation. So, he did. The secretaries were like, "You did a career limiting move." I was like, "Oh well. So...."

    In my case, he was super high up in the company and I was the low guy on the totum pole. I realized that the company preferred to keep an arse in power. There was no fighting it. I bought some books, "How to get along with annoying people" to no avail. He needed a shrink. Even his wife hated him, and she told me! She told me that he hated their kids and her too. That was the first day I met her, the first conversation I had with her!

    So, one day I had enough. He yelled at me at 8:00 a.m. for 15 minutes in the hallway becuase I supposedly wrote two sentances in the same memo differently. The summary sentance was a "no" and the detail sentance was a "yes" answer. When I got back to my desk, I read the memo. He fricken read it wrong. Both sentances were "no" answers. I decided to leave just then. At noon, he came to apologize for me. The next day, I gave him my resignation. He was like, "But I apologized yesterday." I said, "So."

    Keep looking for a new job. Don't pin your hopes on this one, open job. Play the game at work, and give her no reason to fire you for insubordination. Compliment her a little, and she'll ease off. That worked a little for me, all the while with each compliment I was filling out applications....thinking, "This too shall end." When I quit, my boss was apologetic. He didn't want me to leave! I did. I told him that he was a very unhappy person. I never looked back.

    Keep everything in e-mail as much as possible.


  • Quarterback

    Wow, I can't beleive how people are treated in the work force, today.

    It's like we have gone back 40 yrs, and don't any rights.

    It's not getting any better now that the unions have lost control

    Sorry about your mistreatment, LouBelle

  • ShirleyW

    Hey skeeter - maybe your boss has been cutting you some slack all along and you don't know, I say that because of the way you've spelled sentence three times in the above post.

  • LouBelle

    This comapny is so small that there is no HR - she is the be all and end all. If there was an HR and a process to follow I would have done so long ago, she just doesn't know how to speak to people, is always huffing and puffing around the office, always knows best, is never wrong, complains about everything, thinks she is SO funny, dramatic to the nth and you have to do things her way.

    I keep looking for other jobs and will apply for as many as I can, but always on the down low.

    I smile, albeit not with my eyes or heart, I greet and am polite.....but today I nearly nearly just gave her one.....

    So happy it's the weekend.

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