I've made no secret that I do not like the place or the people where I work.
I've had to borrow money to get my drums/brakes fixed. I dropped my car off this morning before work.
I hesitantly spoke to one of the bosses (female that is SO irritating) asking if I could please go pick up the car once they phoned to say it was ready - If I could use the time I usually took for lunch. She said on condition that I was here when she wanted to go through some test we had written (always writing stupid little tests) So I asked if she knew when that would be and she said she had no idea. I then said I will rather phone and arrange to pick the car up during my set lunch break 1-2pm. As it would take out the confusion.
At 1:15, I had arranged for my mother to pick me up to take me to the workshop, as I'm walking out the door this woman asks me where I am going. I mention I'm off to pick up my car as arranged. She says "no you can't go, I'm going over the tests with you guys now so you need to stay and be present" I told her someone was here to pick me up " no, you can't go, I won't be long. I told you we were going to do this after I had finished watching the rugby" (she never did and I don't have access to the tv as I'm in an open office)
Well I could have smacked her upside her head and shouted. I felt the anger/rage/ boil instantly and I felt my eyes and stare go hard (I don't know if you know what I mean by that)
I quickly phoned my mum to say sorry I can't go now (she's outside waiting for me) and I'll have to walk there later on. I sat in this meeting with 4 other people going over our tests. This woman then goes into deep explanation about each company and their core business and her experiences. An hour and a half later the meeting ends.
I've heard another position is coming up at the place where I temped (Independent Newspapers) I'm 'praying' it does and I might just resort to begging for the position.
Can't wait to get out of here and just go have my weekend.
*rant over*
**had to take 3 calming tablets**