I was going to keep this a secret but I just could not...those very touching gifts you got us on U Hawwian vacation are sooo very very pretty...We are not use to getting such things from men / black eye / a fat lip and body bruses yep that is quite usual...I am still teary eyed from emotion RANDY (GOOD emotion) I am so very serious that I want the entire cyber world to know what a dear you are especially to the likes of US and giving us a good memory to remember as well..IF this is gossip then I am guilty as charged and the moderator can figure out my punishment...I am still lookinng at my pretty gift from a very loving man !!!! XOXO ((((((()))))) PEACE
by QUEENIE 22 Replies latest jw friends
NEXT time is your turn mouthy -- it is not like we had sex or even married -- I never get remembered much less not abused by the average male/person anyway and when I was a JW kid -- boys even spoke to me and lying gossip was started by girls and mothers sistas "forward and agressive and oversexed LINDA was (verbal abuse) and I was still a vergin (sp?) OH well RANDY I hope will forgive me for being so mouthy I really got to write story of my life / get published and take off to live in a foreign country and buy all the necklaces I want and even a man or two cuz I will be able to affod one...AND all I thought I deservd was a post card if that !!!
U dANG TOOTIN he is g r e a t...you see there he is getting a swollen head with all this...lets fight over him in private / queenapostate@webtv.net LOV YA 2 Mouthy (((((())))))
Randy Watters is THE man! I wonder how many have been led out of the trappings of the JWs because of him?!! We love ya Randy!
I wuv Randy too--I hope to meet him someday.
Come to think of it, I have never said 'thank you' to Randy for.. everything.
Randy: Thank You!!!