okay. I'm going to simplify this, to try to break it down and explain to you, then you might grasp the concept. maybe I'm not so good at communicating and explaining.
take one thing. just one thing, and focus on that thing, write it down then go away and do some research and come back and tell me exactly what you found out about that one thing and where you got the information from. TETTRAGRAMMATON
Example: a lot of us used to believe things because we were taught to believe in them. right or wrong it doesn't matter. Our belief systems have changed.
What hasn't changed is there is actually a book called the Bible. (call it a fantasy story if you want, it doesn't matter)
In that book, there is a character, he has a name, it is an obscure name, very difficult to pronounce, it is so old and ancient the language has been forgotten, now noone knows how to truly pronounce that name.
The lead character in the Book, has many titles, but only one name, a personal name, that identifies him specifically from every other being of his time.
the only definite thing to identify this person is
the Tetragrammaton
YHVH as revealed in the Tanakh. YHVH do not deviate. So if we follow YHVH as being THE PERSONAL NAMEof the main character in the book, this is his name. Now, this character is the ancient God of the Bible. This is his Ineffable Name. or the Unutterable Name of the God of Israel.
It is composed of 4 hebrew letters
Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey it. Tetragrammaton means simply ''the 4 letters''
This man Moses, actually met this character in the book, and asked him what was his name.
YHVH .... ''The God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob''
'' YOU want to know my name? I am called according to my actions, when I judge the creatures I am Elohim and when I have mercy with MY world, I am named YHVH
Elohim is the name given for god as the creator of the universe
the name implies, strength, power, justice.
YHVH on the other hand, expresses the idea of Gods closeness to humans.
The bottom line is this. the actual name that people are using as a personal name for this God of the Bible storybook, is not after all HIS name. It is the name of his arch enemy, one of many names used to describe him and who he his, as the villain of the story, Satan the Devil, who personifies evil and wickedness.
In the story book which is very old, 2000+ yrs, names are very important. Names were given with the purpose of indicating specific accounts, events or situations directly relating to the lives of the people who lived in this ancient world of the story book.
One of the greatest errors and deceptions in History is JAHOVAH - JEHOVAH.
Which is why I gave the information on Strongs Concordance, if any one has or can get access to a really old copy, pre-1969 I think. BEFORE there were numerous revisions and updates, all detrimental in accuracy and ('the truth') apparently there was cloaking and unnecessary altering of some very important information.
A 'switch' that is performed in the definiton of the name.
In the story book, there is a god named Jehovah. His name truly describes his character perfectly.
When rightly translated 'yah' = god 'hovah' = wickedness
In the story book, Satan's intention is to 'be like God'. His desire to be worshipped 'as god', his desire to receive praise, adoration and prayer as god, has been accomplished. Worship of Jehovah the god of wickedness and evil.
NOT 'THE GOD OF TRUTH +ETERNAL LIFE' Calling the One True God, by the name of Jehovah, god of sin, ruin and perversity is blaspemy.
Now as I said, this was information shared to me as the result of a little chit chat. I went away, I looked it up and researched it. It appears to be true.
Now you imagine your old jw that been serving faithfully for 20,30,40,50,60, years sacrificed their life, a pawn in a game of deception and deceit and subterfuge and trickery .... finding out that they have been worshipping this god, Satan the Devil.