I have said it before

by mouthy 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    they know what they are doing, they are not victims

    That was not my intent, to paint anyone as a victim. Indeed, it was the opposite. Freeing oneself from the JW mindset comes quickly to some, and takes longer for others. It's not easy. However, we are each responsible for our own actions, and there is no excuse for mean, condescending behaviour. Understanding where it comes from, though, can be helpful in dealing with it. That's all.



  • *lost*

    Tal - didn't want it to sound like I was contradicitng you, or implying anything other than your very good statement.

    I was wanting to make it clear, in my opinion, they know what they are doing, I believe. So soz if there was a misunderstanding.

    I often get the 'feeling' maybe there are some who do it on purpose to actually harm the site,

    damage it's reputation, and drag it down into the gutter.

  • mouthy

    returnof the Parakeet..What a kind thing to say sweetie.Thanks

    I know I have said it before but for the newbies on here.Look at parakeets picture.
    When I was a JW I had a bird JUST like it.I taught it to say."Jehovah" Armegeddons coming," stupid susie"

    "Toby,Toby!" Susie is my daughter ( she left the WT thank God.) Toby was the dog that the girl that studied
    with me used to bring to the study, Of course I would bring my neighbours in to listen to the bird.
    Yes I counted time for those who listened....My sister-in-law( a Catholic) became a JW ,so the little bird
    will get a resurrection ( wink wink)

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    You had a talented bird, Mouthy. I once had a parrot that could say, "Come here and give me a little kiss," Step up," "I love you," and "I'll get the stick!!!" But I never threatened to hit him with a stick! I had tried for weeks to get him to step up on a manzanita perch, but he took a particular dislike to it, so all I had to do after a while was threaten to get the stick, and he would stop his mischief and behave. But everyone who heard him say that looked at me strangely. I've had to explain the story to many, many people. That bird was a hoot.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Hi Mouthy

  • mouthy

    LOL Parakeet...

    Well Hello Found Sheep Good to e you...Hope all is well with you....

  • Adventurousone

    Hello Mouthy:

    I'm a little late to the gate. Sorry to hear your going to leave. I hope you have a change of heart because we all need you. Your such an asset to JWN.

    Please change your mind. I'm new here and I need you too.

    Love Adventurousone

  • LisaRose

    I think it's helpful to realize that those atheists who are vociferous, sarcastic and well, I agree, bullies, are exhibiting that they are still operating in the JW mindset. I've gone head-to-head with some of these folks many times, calling them out on their behaviours.

    I totally agree, it's like they went from looking down on anyone who believed in evolution, to looking down on anyone who doesn't. It's just two sides off the same coin, the attitude that if you don't believe every thing they say about it you are an idiot. I believe in evolution, but I know not everyone is at the same place in overcoming Watchtower teachings, and even if they never believe in evolution, it's does not make it OK to condesend.

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