What is your take on the latest from Adobe and their lease only option for future versions of their software? Pay the monthly fee or lose the use of the program.
For those using Photoshop from Adobe
by SadElder 13 Replies latest social entertainment
I would not sign up for that.
I use photoshop 3. If I cant accomplish what I want done with this dinosaur it doesn't need to be done.
Kinda mixed about it. I can understand Adobe and I can also understand the backlash. I like Creative Cloud... to get the lot for $50 a month and always have the latest version is a pretty good deal to me. As I'm a recently enrolled Graphic Arts student, it's only $15 a month... for the entire Creative Suite. Excellent value. Having said that, I realise not everyone likes the concept.
Probably wouldn't hurt to mention here... Adobe have made the entire CS2 Suite available free of charge... along with a few other older programs. Good for those with older systems however I did manage to install it all on my notebook running Windows 7 without any problems.
The student discount is great for those that can get it. But if you sell your work you're "supposed" to pay the full ride.I'm using CS5 and Lightroom. Won't move on with Creative cloud. Concerned that if for some reason I can't pay the monthly fees anymore I'll lose my ability to open Adobe files or in the case of my Lightroom work lose all the adjustements I've made. I know they said LR5 will be a perpetual license, but what about the future releases?
Searching now for alternatives.
Actually, they removed that condition with CS5. As long as you are a qualifying student you can use their products for commercial use as well as educational. You just can't use it exclusively for commercial use. But you wouldn't be a qualifying student in the first place if that was the case.
They also improved another part with Creative Cloud... you can now install both Windows and Mac versions if you own both systems... couldn't do that before when the software was purchased up front.
Time will tell I guess.
brinjen: thanks for the observations. Where all this will lead who knows. I'll continue my search for a new vendor, sure don't want to get stuck a year from now with onerous changes.
There is a good comparison here:
In general, Software as a Service (SaaS) is where the computer industry is heading. Soon it will make no sense to have computing power at home just as you don't make electricity or drill for water or oil. The cloud is where everything will be and people in the business of software will work for software companies. The last 40 years have really been an anomaly because of the explosive but still embrionic nature of the industry.
I don't object to SaaS if I know going in the rules. I have a program at the office that is subscription based. I chose that and knew going in what my obligations were. I object to changing horses mid stream as it were.
I can't believe that all software will becom 'leased' as the mom and pops of the world will just abandon computing. Maybe I'm wrong in my observations. Time will tell. In the meantime I'll look for other venues.