Band on the Run - “I was taught by superb, internationally known lawyers to not create databases. They can be discoverable in litigation. To create a database with no purpose is creepy.”
While, at this point, I have no doubt about the existence of a database containing the names of JWs accused / JCed / disfellowshipped with regards to child abuse, I’m not convinced said database was originally started with that purpose in mind, or for that matter, that a database per se was even the original goal.
I suspect it simply evolved in that direction due to the WTS’s habit of meticulous R&F-related record-keeping that started back in Rutherford’s era (it certainly wasn’t created or used as a means of reducing the risks of having accused or confessed pedophiles active in JW congregations, or curtailing their movements around minors).
Unfortunately, since the sexual victimization of young people is an almost universal (not to mention virtually incurable) characteristic of authoritarian high-control groups, that aspect of the WTS’s records on the R&F came to dominate the overall body of information; it became (for all intents and purposes) the “WT pedo database” by default.
However, to acknowledge that ugly fact in and of itself would be to (again, for all intents and purposes) acknowledge that the problem is far more widespread amongst the R&F than anybody had ever thought possible (which, frankly, is implied by the fact that they’ve issued fairly explicit instructions for BOEs regarding how to deal with the problem should it come up).
What I’ve been scratching my head over for a while, now, is why the hell the WTS kept the info instead of shredding it.
Is the pedo-related information so inextricably linked to the rest of their records that they can’t do it without wiping the virtual slate clean (which would, now that I think about it, play havoc with their efforts to keep ”apostates” from influencing the R&F)?
Did they never think that it would be discovered in future litigation (as you said), or do they simply possess so much hubris that they can’t bring themselves to consider that it would be used successfully against them that way?
Hmm. Maybe I just answered my own question.