If man evolved?

by tornapart 427 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Logically the oldest layers are found below the younger layers and although a complete collection of layers may not be found in any one location, by daisy-chaining and jigsawing your way around the world the relative age of each layer can be known.

    I doubt these are your words. I bet you copied and pasted the whole thing. Daisy chaining sounds to me like more

    circular reasoining using one unknown to suggest the date of anothe unknown.

    Circular reasoining doesnt cut it with me.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    The micro-fossils called foraminifera and radiolaria that are found in each layer is totally predictable and are used by geologists to locate oil. Young earth creationists don't have much success in oil exploration.

    I see that as oil is found noting micro-fossils. The micro fossils indicate the oil they dont indicate the age of the earth unless

    you use circular reasoning and want them to .

  • Comatose

    James you were clearly annoyed you had to write the small paragraph with lots of line breaks in it. But, focusing on one post where you were called out and asked to write your opinion is no way to debate. You are sounding like a whiny and broken record.

  • talesin

    On the way out that is one thing to keep in mind about atheism being a religion.

    Atheist follow the same thought patterns in deciding what to believe.

    Atheist believe in things happening that they dont or cant see and attribute it to the big bang

    "Everything came from nothing"

    And Theist believe everything came from God.

    Hi, James Brown.

    Just wanted to say, that re atheists following the same thought pattern. You may have noticed (or not) that Cofty and I definitely do not fit that description. In fact, we have crossed swords on any number of occasions, and sometimes, not in a very pleasant fashion.

    I don't have enough interest in Big Bang and evolution, or carbon dating (I have little interests in origins), to have studied it like Cofty has, but I've picked up a bit over the years. That is why I found his explanation to be really credible.

    My interests lie more in the direction in which physics is moving, with string theory and the possibility of parallel universe. Some of the other atheists on board have mocked me on various occasions for my musings on what they call 'pseudo science'. meh, I could give a rat's ass!

    My point being, I really think it was a well-thought-out response, and merely suggest you consider that Cofty was really seeking to explain.



  • mrsjones5

    Great job Cofty.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    For a theory to be truly scientific it must be falsifiable and nowhere is evolution more vulnerable than her in the hard evidence of fossils. Just one good example of a mammal that died and got fossilised in an undisturbed Cambrian rock layer and the whole structure of evolution comes crashing down.


    In 1944, as a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal in his basement and found that it contained this bell inside. The bituminous coal that was mined near his house in Upshur County West Virginia is supposed to be about 300 million years old! What is a brass bell with an iron clapper doing in coal ascribed to the Carboniferous Period? According to Norm Sharbaugh’s book Ammunition (which includes several "coal anecdotes") the bell is an antediluvian artifact (made before the Genesis Flood). The Institute for Creation Research had the bell submitted to the lab at the University of Oklahoma. There a nuclear activation analysis revealed that the bell contains an unusual mix of metals, different from any known modern alloy production (including copper, zinc, tin, arsenic, iodine, and selenium). Genesis 4:22 states that Tubal-Cain was "an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron..." Perhaps when his civilization came to an end in the flood, this bell was buried with a mass of vegetation that became coal and ended up thousands of years later in Newt Anderson’s coal bin. The bell was prominently featured in the 1992 CBS docudrama production called Ancient Secrets of the Bible and is now part of the Genesis Park collection. For more detailed pictures of the bell and the demon-like figure on top. A handful of other such accounts have been recorded, including the intricate gold chain found in coal (Sanderson, Ivan T., Uninvited Visitors, 1967, pp. 195-196.) and the cast iron pot found in a coal seam at the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, OK (now archived at Creation Evidence Museum). CLICK HERE for more information on this remarkable find


    In 1912, some coal mined near Wilburton, Oklahoma, revealed a mystery which has still not been solved. Two employees of the Municipal Electric Plant, Thomas, Oklahoma, came upon a solid chunk of coal too large for the furnace. They broke it up with a sledge. An iron pot fell from the center where it had left an impression or mold in the piece of coal. An affidavit was made out by the two witnesses, and the pot was photographed. Many persons examined this strange object.


  • Comatose

    Uh I promise you pots don't fall out of coal. Hoax.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Cofty I dont think you gave a very good explanation at all.

    If I were grading your paper, I would give you a D. I would give you the D because you turned in

    a paper.

    You are using rocks to date the fossils. And you are assuming the ages of the rocks.

    When man knows the date of a rock they can not date the rock.

    The only time they can date a rock is when they dont know the age. That means man cant date rocks.

    Mt St Helens errupted in 1980 but the rocks were dated up to 2.8 million years old. Man cant date rocks.

    And you havent told me how they date the rocks. How do they measure the radiation?

    I've been around with you about this before it's usless discussing this with you.

    I posted Kent Hovinds video for people who are looking for answers.

    If you or anyone else has the answers you don't need to look at Kent Hovinds video.'

    If your cup is full dont put any more in it.

  • 5go

    If man evolved?

    No, no it's more like if man didn't evolve.

    Your wisdom teeth and apendix are evidence that you evolved. If you didn't why did god give you them?

    To add on to this assuming you give one of those lame excuses my favorite being maybe we have figured their use yet or we are damaged blah blah.

    The wisdom teeth do have a use but as our brains got bigger and our diet change they became hidden as they aren't needed anymore. Same goes for the appendix it has a use we know what it was for mainly we had a diet of harsher vegitation at one time. We out grew it or evolved to a point we don't need it now. Question though if god has a hand in this why didn't he get rid of it? It's has killed many and will kill yet it serves no to humanly purpose anymore.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Ignorance is bliss eh James.......

    Your most awesome contribution to this thread has made another 100+ atheists. I do hope that is what you intended.

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