"Sure become one of Jehovahs Witnesses why not. They are a strict faith without a doubt and carry many rules. Have you ever met a faithful J.W.? They are well disciplined, loving, and kind. Jehovahs Witnesses make an effort to conform their lives to what the bible teaches whereas many other faiths don't even question whether or not a person is growing spiritually."
Yep. They carry so many rules that many of them are man made! Sorta like the pharisees. Remember how well the gospel accounts spoke of the pharisees? Faithful JWs are indeed well disciplined. Programed, if you will to obey implicitly and never, ever question the teachings and beliefs that are handed down to them under fear of disfellowshipping. They are indeed loving so long as the Watchtower allows them to be. If you are ever disfellowshipped, they will show how much they "love" you by treating you as though you are dead. I get goose bumps just thinking of it! And they certainly are kind. Instead of volunteering to make the world a better place, they hand out magazines that make false predictions. Starving children don't need food. They need false promises! And they certainly do conform their lives to WHAT THEIR LEADERS TELL THEM THE BIBLE TEACHES. But they wouldn't dare try to conform their lives to THEIR OWN UNDERSTANDING of the bible. Their leaders tell them that is not allowed. Yes indeed. They "grow" spiritually by staying attached to the teet of the organization.....drinking its milk and believing what they are told to believe, instead of doing their own research and study and coming to their own independent conclusions.
It's a spiritual paradise!