Quick update on sharing TTATT with my friend

by Gojira_101 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gojira_101

    Yesterday morning I got a message from my friend, the one I shared TTATT with last week and she wanted to meet for coffee. This is the story/friend I'm referring to http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/251494/1/HA-Take-that-Watchtower-One-less-Borg-for-you.

    I was really nervous because since our initial visit she had told me that two of her other JW friends wanted to talk to me. After a little more prodding she admitted that her friends didn't accept what their own WT said about God's name and they wanted to talk to me to "bring me back to the truth."

    Of course after she told me that I did not have a good feeling about talking to her friends because it would be like talking to a brick wall. So when she contacted me yesterday and asked to talk to me, I was nervous because I didn't know if it was a trap or what it was.

    My friend only wanted to talk to me more and ask me more questions BECAUSE, she has been doing research into the JW's and she was basically asking me if the things she was reading were true. Which I find that part funny because why not ask her JW friends who are still "in," why ask me? I think and this is my observation, but I think it's because she can see how closed minded her friends are and she isn't trusting them to be honest, her friends would of course have an alterer motive, but for me, what really is my motive. I really don't care if she wants to get baptized or not, I of course don't want her to, but I can't change her mind, I can't force her to do anything. All I can do is show her TTATT and the rest is up to her. I just find it funny that she is asking me, an apostate, if what she is learning about WT is true.

    A few of the highlights: She doesn't trust the NWT anymore and so I gave her one of my bibles and while we were sitting there I showed her some of the mistranslations/errors from NWT.

    We talked about her friends and she was kind of upset for the fact they blew her off when she showed them the WT article about God's name. Her friends of course didn't think it was a big deal because they had heard that before about God's name....so we just had a nice discussion and she asked me about subliminal messages/pictures in the WT literature....Please don't debate and comment about that part....I don't want an argument about this PLEASE!!!!! I don't care if someone can or can't see them.

    I had brought my laptop and I showed her some of the websites that have some of the images, and I let her see or not see for herself.

    One of the other things I remember from yesterday is she was asking me more about the GB, and I can't remember specific questions, but I just explained the best I could and I do remember telling her that if one lie, one error is found with the GB then how could God guide them? I also told her about the one WT (I can't remember the exact month and year, but it was from the 70's) where it said homosexual acts and bestiality were not grounds for divorce and then later they changed it to it was grounds for divorce. I simple asked her "if God is leading these GB men, then why would God's spirit lead the GB to say homosexual acts and bestiality are not grounds for divorce." I was so proud of her because she said "God's spirit wouldn't guide them to say that." But then she asked me if I had the WT to show her. I didn't have it with me, but I told her I will get it. We already set our next meeting together for next week and she asked for me to bring specific info about WT for her. Meaning WT articles.

    Before anyone comes down on me for saying homosexuality is wrong, I did not say that. I was only telling her what WT said to expose them for the false prophet they are. Also please hold your comments about believing in God is the mistake right there, because there is no god...etc.....This woman still very much believes in God and even if I didn't believe in God I still would not tear down this persons belief in God because that would then cause her to put up a wall between us and she wouldn't listen to me anymore. I cannot attack her or her belief in God, if I did attack her, she would stop listening to me

    I also told her that if her friends couldn't see the problem/conflict with that WT about God's name, there is nothing I can say to convince them of anything because they believe the WT completely. So I told her I will not meet with her friends right now. And she understood, she even said her friends are being close minded.

    I'll keep ya'll informed about this.

    There was one person on the other thread who said I did a terrible job at our first meeting....well if I did such a terrible job then why is she still coming to me for the WT info? Clearly I didn't do that bad of a job at our first meeting.


  • Ding

    I'm glad your friend is checking the whole thing out with you.

    I remember at one point in my life wishing I could have some pro-WT and anti-WT people sit down in a room so I could hear arguments from both sides instead of just hearing one side at a time. Maybe that was her goal in trying to get JW friends to meet with you.

  • Gojira_101

    Maybe Ding, There are other stressfull things going on right now with hubby and I and elders...I can't say anything, but I just don't have the focus right now to go before ubber dubber strict JW's right now to argue. I just told my friend I'm not ready, and I actually told her what is going on right now with us and she was shocked.

    That story will come later once the dust settles.....I'm stressed out at the moment and will be until this is done. I'm not meeting with her friends until my head is clear enough to argue, because I will have to argue when I meet with her friends.


  • moshe

    The problem is the JWs gang up on one person (you)- unless you have another ex-JW who can be on your team, the JWs will dance all around the issues and you won't be able to pin them down.

  • Ding

    Agreed, Moshe, although sometimes when a person who is on the fence sees the issue dancing by JWs, it reminds them of a sales rep who won't give straight answers. If the mind control hasn't taken effect yet, such an encounter can break the spell.

    One time a householder invited me to attend her study to present "the other side." I had told her that if the JWs wouldn't agree to that, she should ask them what they had to hide. The JWs agreed to the meeting because facing me was the only way they could get her to continue the study.

    At the meeting, I documented a lot of the flip flops and false prophecies using WT literature. I also presented several scriptures that didn't jive with the WT's dogma. One of the JWs got verbally abusive, shouting about apostates. After the meeting, the householder had seen enough. She terminated the study because the JWs were evasive and had no answer to the documentation I presented.

    My main focus was on the householder. I was surprised to see that the other JW seemed genuinely shocked by it all. I think I was actually getting through to him, which was a fringe benefit.

    Of course, not all such encounters will go as well, but if you can handle being ganged up on for a couple of hours, sometimes you can be instrumental in preventing someone from getting sucked in and perhaps even getting a JW to open his eyes.

  • wasblind

    I agree MOSHE, It's one househoulder against the two Witnesses at the door


  • Giordano

    Your doing a great job of helping your friend deprogram herself, to question what she has been taught and to develop her critical thinking skills. A gift that will serve her for the rest of her life. I also appreciate that as your 'peel the onion' we get to experience each layer coming off. To see what works and resonates with your friend. Do continue to post about this experience.

  • *lost*

  • Gojira_101

    At Moshe and ding: When she told me that her friends wanted to speak with me, that was the feeling I got. They wanted to gang up on me to beat me back into the "truth". I just can't deal with that since my mind is focused and preparing for when the elders come.

    Once this with the elders is a done deal, I can then talk to them...if they will still talk to me because I'll probably be Df'ed by then.

    I don't care if they give me a beating and argue....if it helps my friend see what they are really like...and if it prevents her from fully joining the borg...I will be happy....I'm happy now just for the fact she is listening to me.

    Ding, that would have been awesome if you would have been able to tape that meeting with the JW's and study. I would have loved to see that!!!!


  • Oubliette

    Great job Gorija,

    What WT are you referring to that talks about God's name? I missed that.



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