I was thinking about this today when I was mowing the grass. When you look at the picture the Borg always show of Armageddon everything is destoryed. I mean nothing left everything gone. No electric, no gas, no cars, no cell phones, no nothing. Just them and the wild world in front of them. How will they start a fire to keep warm without a match. Would they even know how to make a camp fire. What about food, water? What will they use to wipe their butts? I mean the more you think about it how outrageous this thought is. Throwing modern people back into the stone age. The last congregation we was in nobody garden, camp, bascially had nothing to do with anything outdoors. And yet they all hope for Armageddon so they can be thrown back into the stone age. No tools no nothing just them and nature. I sure those in 3rd world countries will fair better but most of those in wealthy countries will not last a day. So I feel for the most part complete chaos will take place. I know some think houses will be left for them to live in but houses today run on electric/natural gas and public water and sewer systems. These houses will not have that. Can you imagine the sister who thought camping was a 4 star hotel now thrown into this situation. What nonsense. Totally ADD
The day after Armageddon how will JW survive the first week?
by TotallyADD 36 Replies latest jw friends
I agree, but from their standpoint god will provide. He did manna in the bible so he will do miracles for them. I mean if he causes Armageddon then he can give them food and shelter.
But, I do find the whole premise silly.
You are completely spot on. Most JWs file this line of thinking under denial and excuse it by thinking, "Jehovah, will take care of us"
I have spent six weeks in remote wilderness alone with a bare minimum of gear. It is not easy. I have speculated that most people I know would fair poorly under survival conditions and many have already died faced with those circumstances.
I have made up my mind that I will not lose sleep over it. When and if that bridge comes (and I mean survival not Armageddon) I will cross that bridge when it is in front of me.
I think some forethought by everyone in disaster preparedness is very beneficial. It is shocking how few actually give it a second thought.
I was told that after Armageddon we would all be at the KH singin the whole song book to Jah....yuk. Then we would be given instructions on what happens next. Yeah, like the elders would have a clue on cleaning up that mess!
All one really has to look at are the natural disasters that affect communities at times. without outside help the disaster would be even more catastrophic. I do not know any group of Elders that would be competent enough to take care of themselves let alone any group in their care for an extended length of time.
An act of "god" would be imperative. considering the lack of evidence that this has happened in the past, it is extremely difficult to place confidence that it would happen in the future.
god will provide. He did manna in the bible so he will do miracles for them. I mean if he causes Armageddon then he can give them food and shelter.
Yeah, and within a very short time the Israelites were so miserable they longed for the days when they were enslaved to the Egyptians! Doesn't say much for god's provisions, does it?
I have wondered if god will be slaughtering JWs by the thousands after Armageddon, when they realize that at least on the 'old system' they had electricity, food, homes, etc., and they complain about what little they'll have in the first few hundred years of "paradise"?
Most JWs I know consider "roughing it" is staying at a hotel that doesn't have room service.
My wife told me JW better hope the Amish make it also. They know quite well how to live without modern convenience. Even though the ones around here sure like using those B&S engines to run their saws. Totally ADD
One week after Armageddon..
There will be no electricity/natural gas/public water or sewer systems.
To Combat the Lose of Civilization..
The WBT$ will send WBT$ Educated JW`s..
To Clean Your Windows..
Amen Outlaw. Totally ADD
Do you think they will complain about the lack of progress at 1,000 year reign?