KM quote? Examining the Truth is bad?

by DATA-DOG 20 Replies latest jw friends


    I have been looking for a quote that I believe was in a KM, but I just have not found it yet. It was about examining beliefs. It was not the quote that said " study is hard work, Bethel will do it for you." It said something to the effect that you are in danger if you believe that " the truth " can stand up to examination. It is almost the opposite of this:

    "It is important, then, that you "keep testing whether you are in the faith," as Paul declared. Keep checking to see whether the things you believe are in keeping with God's Word. But the question is, Are you willing to put your religion through such a test? There is nothing to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination. And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth, because it leads to light and life." Watchtower1958 May 1 p.261 Is Your Religion the Right One?

    Any ideas? Thanks.


  • nonjwspouse

    It seems like I read at about the same time the WT was advising not to study greek or hebrew because there were already people doing that for them.

  • outsmartthesystem

    "In Jehovah's organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to that very thing, …"Watchtower 1967 Jun 1 p.338

  • Pterist

    DataDog, Sorry I can't help, I have not read a KM in years. However, when we see TTATT, we can see how the org manipulates scripture away from Christ to themselves. Take for example " keep testing whether you are in the faith," they will never tell you the primary way that we are in the "Faith" which is -

    Test Yourself

    2Cor 13:5 (NIV) Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you--unless, of course, you fail the test?


  • TheOldHippie

    But IF JWs should be warned against studying the Bible - perhaps a quote to that effect would be required in stead of just claims to that effect?

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    km 9/07 p. 3 Question Box ***

    Does “the faithful and discreet slave” endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate?—Matt. 24:45, 47.

    No, it does not.
  • LostGeneration

    Here is one, but it's not what I was thinking of.

    " It would be a mistake to think that you need to listen to apostates or to read their writings to refute their arguments. Their twisted, poisonous reasoning can cause spiritual harm and can contaminate your faith like rapidly spreading gangrene. (2 Timothy 2:16, 17) Rather, imitate God's response to apostates. Job said of Jehovah: "Before him no apostate will come in."-Job 13:16. "


    This one is creepy, but not the right one either. Notice who the Shepherd is..

    "Test the Inspired Expressions"

    16 How, though, do we know for sure whether we are dealing with a friend or a foe? Well, Jesus says that the sheep follow the shepherd "because they know his voice." (John 10:4) It is not the literal shepherd's appearance that moves the sheep to follow him; it is his voice. A book on Bible lands relates that a visitor once claimed that sheep recognize their shepherd by his dress, not his voice. A shepherd answered that it was the voice they knew. To prove this, he exchanged clothing with the stranger. Dressed in the shepherd's garb, the stranger called the sheep, but they did not respond. They did not know his voice. Yet, when the shepherd called them, though he was disguised, the sheep came at once. Thus, someone may look like a shepherd, but for sheep, that does not prove that he really is one. The sheep, in effect, test the caller's voice, comparing it with the shepherd's voice. God's Word tells us to do the same-"test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." (1 John 4:1; 2 Timothy 1:13) What will help us to do so?

    17 Understandably, the better we know Jehovah's voice, or message, the better we can detect the voice of a stranger. The Bible points out how we develop such knowledge. It states: "Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: 'This is the way. Walk in it, you people.'" (Isaiah 30:21) That "word" behind us comes from the Word of God. Every time we read God's Word, we hear, as it were, the voice of our Great Shepherd, Jehovah. (Psalm 23:1) Hence, the more we study the Bible, the more familiar we become with God's voice. That intimate knowledge in turn enables us to detect instantly the voice of strangers.-Galatians 1:8.

    I never noticed that before. More reverting back to the OT to show that Jehovah is the Shepherd. WHat's wrong with Christ being the shepherd?

  • blondie

    Jesus is the Shepherd, the Fine Shepherd....or is Jesus both fine and great?

    *** w69 7/1 p. 403 par. 22 Jehovah, the Great Overseer and Shepherd of His People ***

    Truly those whom Jesus chose proved to be fine undershepherds, working in close harmony with the Lord Jesus, the fine shepherd, and his Father, Jehovah, the First or Great Shepherd of the sheep.

    *** w69 7/1 p. 405 par. 9 Jehovah Shepherds the Christian Congregation ***

    The false shepherds who crept into the congregation had indeed spoken twisted things and had led astray many who wanted to follow the fine shepherd, Jesus Christ, and be under the watchful care of the Great Shepherd, Jehovah God.

    *** w02 11/15 p. 25 “Shepherd the Flock of God” ***

    ) Jesus Christ is also an outstanding spiritual Shepherd. In fact, he is called “the fine shepherd,” “the great shepherd,” and “the chief shepherd.” (John 10:11; Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4)

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