warning to the WATCHTOWER weary: the way of the july wt is wrong: because

by prologos 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    when you sum those articles up, it is about more boasting, more control and

    when one looks at the time of greatest increase, it was in the 60s 70, when there was

    a sharing of power through the rotating overseer arrangement and

    the promise of freedom from the fruitless house to house work, -- it would end in 1975 !!!! remember? but

    freedom is an F word for the fallible fabricators of wt policy.

    since the 80s enough time has elapsed to have the power- greedy to gain control and prominence again, and the strains are showing.

    in one area we had news from, an unusual number of young, loved elders, not in the exclusive power club, inner party,- are observed to be resigning.

    wt might go further south with the elite trying to soar. as per wt 7/15/13.

    for every action there is a reaction: Isaac Newton, bible student.

  • LostGeneration

    They saw the increasing number of anointed and their power was threatened. They had to firm up their position at the top of the pyramid before these "anointed" either started demanding a say or getting noisy in the congos.

    Now if any of these step out of line, they face a JC for apostasy, can say shit now or else you are speaking against the GB/FDS.

    As to your young elder observation, been there done that. Less than a year into my stay in that position, I realized that they were simply using me to do their dirty work. Second class citizenship wasn't for me. They are burning through these young guys like crazy, promoting them while they still have a family, shit on them, have them do all of the assignments the long-timers don't want. In twenty years there won't be many left, and the old guys will be dead, that's my hope at least.

  • Athanasius

    The 1970s was like a Watchtower Vatican II for JWs. I was an elder back then and remember some of the open Bible discussions we had in the friends' homes. Many of us used the New English Bible rather than the NWT as the NEB was easier to understand. Had Ray Franz been allowed to continue the needed reforms the Org. would be a much different religion than it is today and I might not have left in 1984. But the reactionaries won out, reform was stopped, Ray was DFd, and the purges that followed caused liberal elders like myself to see there was no future in JWism and depart.

    Hopefully what happened in the World Wide Church of God will eventually take place in the Watchtower.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I belive it will. Look at the history of the org and there have been periods of change or upheaval which have caused people to leave. As the regime tightens, more people will probably chafe and leave. Here's hoping the July wt will have a similar effect to the infamous 1995 one.

  • EdenOne

    It seems to me that the GB has been paving the way with "doctrine" that will enable to mass-disfellowship all the anointed that dare to defy or even question their leadership. It's pure power-grab.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Good point. It will be interesting to see things pan out.

  • EdenOne

    Let me put it in another way:

    Instead of saying: "You, the "other sheep" have been promoted to "domestics", along with the anointed. Rejoyce!"

    It must be understood as: "You, self-appointed anointed, are no better than any lowly rank-and-file JW. Therefore, submit and obey, or else!"


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Listen, obey and be blessed baby...

    Also they're probably sick of getting letters from anointed ones who think they have a say trying to pick them up on some teaching or other.

  • designs

    These religious savants all think similarly- god speaks to them. I wonder how audible the voices are to them. David Splane announcing what a great idea it was for the GB alone to be the FDS was the culmination of crazies being in the same room to long.

  • TotallyADD

    I have to say before I left I knew about 10 newly annointed ones and one was even a CO wife all the new ones were in their 30's to late 40's and all women. I have to say most of them I knew was a few bricks shy of a load. Being women I can see why the FS Borg do not want them messing things up. Totally ADD

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