John 3:16 - "EXERCISE faith"...??

by EdenOne 28 Replies latest watchtower bible


    What is the balance? Jesus asked Peter, " Do you love me?..Feed my sheep." When our sanctifying Christ as Lord in our hearts turn to action, that is the balanced view. No one is righteous, so perfection is out of the question. Still, we all have talents given to us. Whatever we do out of faith in Christ, even the smallest thing, shows we really believe. Instead of fearfully burying our talent in the ground, we do something out of faith.

    I always wished that passage in James did not exist. Not because it can't be balanced, but because so many use that passage as a way to coerce others. JW is a works based religion, no doubt. They do use coercion. You must " exercise " your faith or it will weaken they say. What does that mean? The WTBTS prescribed set of works, keeping track of preaching, attending all meetings, reading every publication, contributions, KH builds, you know the drill. What's not included? Taking care of the poor, widows, orphans. They do no real charity work.

    We know that works alone cannot save. Works viewed by men, performed for men, cannot save you. Those works can actually blind you to what real faith is. Otherwise Jesus would not have said ," Get away from me.." to those with powerful works done in his name. Salvation is a free gift, it's not a wage earned by performing works.

    This whole subject is one of the most twisted by some. Perhaps it is written about specifically to see what is in our hearts? Some will try to control and coerce, some will use it as an excuse to do nothing, some will search for a balance and display spiritual fruitage due to faith.

    Don't even get me started on undeserved kindness vs. Grace. Grace is the most accurate, but does not lend itself to controlling others. Exercise faith and undeserved kindness suit the WTBTS agenda.

  • BU2B

    And Ironically DD, the context of that chapter in James clearly shows the works mentioned referred to just that, caring for widows, orphans and other needy ones. Taking action, not just saying keep warm and well fed. Nothing mentioned about the WT version of works

  • EdenOne


    I fully agree with you. The notion that "faith alone saves" isn't granted AT ALL in the NT, not by Jesus, not by the apostles.

    However, my point is: Does that give the translator the LIBERTY to qualify the expression of "faith" as an "exercise", when the original text doesn't include that notion? That's my whole point.


    Thank you for bringing up that article.


    I think that passage in James is actually very well balanced and well reasoned. If you read the entire book of james, though, there's not a single reference in it to any "work" such as door-to-door preaching, personal study, or attending meetings. The works of faith that James had in mind were things related with helping others, take care of the poor, the weak.


  • Bobcat

    Just as an interesting aside, the Louw & Nida Lexicon has this paragraph under pisteuo:

    In a number of languages the equivalent of pisteuo is simply 'to think to be true' or 'to regard as true,' but in some languages an idiomatic expression is employed, for example, 'to think in the heart' or 'to think in the liver' or 'to hold in the heart.'


    " I think that passage in James is actually very well balanced and well reasoned. If you read the entire book of james, though, there's not a single reference in it to any "work" such as door-to-door preaching, personal study, or attending meetings. The works of faith that James had in mind were things related with helping others, take care of the poor, the weak. "


    I agree. I should have been more clear. Let's not forget who we are talking about here! We may read the entire context, but many do not. Those with agendas love to cherry-pick scriptures for their own benefit. These are the same " Shepherds " who told me in no uncertain terms, that it was wrong to miss service to help a worldly neighbor in an emergency. They could have waited until after service to receive help. Who was I helping? It was literally " widows and orphans."

    The neighbors were so touched that they asked ( with no prodding or hint from me ) ," Are you a Christian? Where do you go to church?" Talk about irony...

    Back to the OP, I think " exercise faith " is way off base. A simple check with a Concordance ( which I bet most JW's have never used, or seen ) will lead any unbiased person to that conclusion.

  • leaving_quietly

    @Searcher... I agree that preaching is necessary, and is a part of faith. However, JWs consider that "works" and thusly do it in a repetitious, very annoying way. Paul did not do that. Just the opposite.

    In this way, indeed, I made it my aim not to declare the good news where Christ had already been named, in order that I might not be building on another man’s foundation; 21?but, just as it is written: “Those to whom no announcement has been made about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand. - Rom 15:20, 21

  • heathen

    I think when jesus talked about judgement day and said he would ask those seeking salvation , did you feed , cloth or visit one of his brothers in jail and depending on the answer you either were saved or sent to damnation means there are works involved . The apostle Paul said to do the work of an evangelizer or incite one another to fine works . Grace comes from God only if you actually are doing his will not if you are sitting around doing nothing . The story of the FDS also shows that they are doing fine works so gets appointed over jesus belongings . What makes me really sick are those churches that think you owe them 10% and most believe they don't even have to be a missionary or help spread the gospel personally . Paying others to do a job all are supposed to be involved in is a joke .

  • 1009

    Maybe it is interesting to see how recent translations of the NWT translate the phrase.

    New World Translation in Papiamento (2011)

    Pasobra Dios a stima mundu asina tantu ku el a duna su Yu unigénito, pa tur ku pone fe* den dje no bai pèrdí, ma haña bida eterno.

    * Of: “demostrá fe.” E verbo griego ta nifiká mas ku djis rekonosé ku un persona ta eksistí. E ta enserá un grado di akshon tambe.

    Literal translation: For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that all who put faith* in him will not be lost, but receive eternal life. * Or: “demonstrate faith.” The Greek verb means more than just acknowledge that a person exists. It implies a degree of action also.

    Later I'll make another topic about the Papiamento translation of the NWT.

  • Bobcat

    John 3:16 has pisteuo in the present, active, nominative followed by eis, literally "beleive on." BDAG describes the verb in this situation this way:

    To entrust oneself to an entity in complete confidence, believe (in), trust, w[ith] the implication of total commitment to the one who is trusted. In out lit[urature] God and Christ are objects of this type of faith that relies on their power and nearness to help, in addition to being convinced that their revelations or disclosures are true.

    [Formatting is from BDAG.]

    Bobcat's musings:

    "Exercise faith" might obliquely capture some aspect of this, or by implication, the results of "believe on" from John 3:16. But that is hardly a translation. More akin to a paraphrase.

    The definition given in BDAG soundly trumps any notion of giving such "faith" to the WT "F&DS" entity.

  • Wholly

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