The absolute worst was Curry Chicken. Think of a diaper and you wouldn't be far from it.
Bethelites - What Were Some of Your Favorite Meals At Bethel?
by LoisLane looking for Superman 28 Replies latest jw experiences
i went for the spiritual banquet. i ended up with food poisining.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Mann377---Stuffed Monkey Butt...
Then read the next sentence...Stuffed Bell Peppers...
Thank you so much for giving us the answer. That "original" dish would have really made me wonder, for a long time. lol
Just Lois
The ice cream was pretty good.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Ctrwtf>>>>>Very descriptive. Not a happy visual.
Just Lois
LoisLane looking for Superman
Fakesmile...How terrible.
Just Lois
LoisLane looking for Superman
Yes, I have heard that.
Just Lois
And fresh strawberriese with Bethel-made ice cream was even better. I remember the yogurt fresh from the dairy and the garden grown vegetables. I do believe the meals were better at the "Farm" (which is no more, they buy most of their food now) because of the proximity. The Bethelites were careful to take leftovers from the meals they liked and heated them up in their room on a nights when the menu was not so much to their liking. Depending on who you talk to it was called "scavenging" or "gleaning." Married couples liked their privacy and eating dinner/supper alone in their room. Some had to leave early for their meetings so caught something quick in their room.
At that time, the only meal they were required to attend was breakfast...never supper (many times just a sandwich buffet).
I never liked green peppers...
Do they still have a pizza night?
The blueberries were spectactular. I also liked the creamed beef and their fried chicken.