I think those are his socks, it looks like he took his shoes off to protect the upholstery.
This is a tall brother that is giving the talk :(
by Iamallcool 17 Replies latest jw friends
u mite b rite about the sox.
Calebs Airplane
In JW Land, it's wrong to place children on a pedestal or honor them like worldly people do with birthdays, etc.. But it's OK to place them on a pedestal in front of 100 people and then give them a great round of applause (as long as this will help remedy their youth retention issues)...
Another point I'd like to make.... S A F E T Y F I R S T ! ! !
Who was the idiot who put this kid in harm's way by making him climb on a chair with flip-flops on... that's an accident waiting to happen... after many decades of j-dub children giving parts from the platform, you'd think the WT would have already fabricated podiums for children by now... morons...
I gave my first bible reading in the second school when I was 5. The brothers built a set of carpeted steps so I could reach the top of the speaker stand.
In public school by the 4th grade I had gone to several oration contests and placed 1st for a speech on the dangers of drug abuse.
Through middle and high school I continued to be selected for state competitions and it was justified by my parents because much of my information was pulled directly from WT literature. For the same reasons I was also part of the debate teams for various issues even including some political subjects.
looking back on all of it now I realize what a TOOL I was, but I am greatful for the early start and the skill sets that I now have which allow me to speak out publically against sex abuse issues specifically within the WT organization.
yadda yadda 2
He had to dress in a mini corporate suit but take his shoes off!!
The cong control freaks wouldn't let the kid wear shoes:(
Julia Orwell
That looks a lot like my hall but in a different colour. Is there a cookie cutter mould for curtains, lecterns and that?
freakin stupid