I think your point is slightly different . Your point seems to be that this was for a library card, which obviously it wasn't.
The real value of being an NGO is not access to information. Yes you are included in the UN information pipeline and receive periodic information which you are then suppose to relay to your audience. But that information is generally available even if you weren't an NGO.
The real value is that as an NGO you have a chance to attend meetings, conferences and other events where you have a chance to meet, provide feedback, "rub elbows" with UN officials and lobby for your agendas. You didn't really think over 1000 organizations were joining to get a dumb newsletter from the UN, did you?
I'm not implying that the Watchtower society ever made of point of mingling with UN officials. However the fact is that if they did, if can only help them as the UN can make their lives easier in countries where JW activities are banned. .... ;)