What are some things you can get MARKED for that you wont be DF for?

by BU2B 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    I Know of one case of a woman being marked for marrying a non JW. Do you know of other cases where someone did something and were Marked and not DF? Were any here ever marked? Just curious, this seems to be pretty rare

  • Gopher

    It must be very rare. I was in the JW"s all the way up to age 39, and don't remember it happening ever.

    From what I've read, either marrying or having a romantic relationship with an outsider is the most common way to get marked. You can't be DF'd for that.

  • stillin

    Being a blabbermouth. We had a pioneer who talked too much. Not very favorable toward the elders. She was marked rather than being DF'd. Go figure.

  • blondie

    You can tell by these references that it is very vague except for excepting DF offenses. One sister I knew was told that she would be df'd rather than reproved if she married her non-jw "friend" that she could be DF'd for not showing "works befitting repentance." So she waited until she was reproved publicly, then she married him. Were the elders pissed; 2 of them wanted to DF her anyway but the other elders prevailed.

    *** w99 7/15 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ***

    The “disorderly” ones were not guilty of grave sin, as was the man disfellowshipped in Corinth.

    The “disorderly” ones in Thessalonica were guilty of significant deviations from Christianity. They would not work, whether because they thought Christ’s return was imminent or because they were lazy. Further, they were causing significant disturbance by ‘meddling with what did not concern them.’ Likely the congregation elders had repeatedly counseled them, in line with Paul’s advice in his first letter and with other divine advice. (Proverbs 6:6-11; 10:4, 5; 12:11, 24; 24:30-34) Still they persisted in a course that reflected badly on the congregation and that could spread to other Christians. So the Christian elder Paul, without naming the individuals, publicly called attention to their disorderliness, exposing their erroneous course.

    Organized to do Jehovah's Will (p. 150-151)

    Occasionally, someone not known to be guilty of practicing a

    grave sin for which he could be expelled nevertheless displays

    flagrant disregard for theocratic order. This could include such

    things as being grossly lazy or critical, being a profitless talker

    who is a constant ’meddler with what does not concern him.’ (2

    Thess. 3:11) Or this could include one who is scheming to take

    material advantage of others or indulging in entertainment that is

    clearly improper. The disorderly conduct is not so minor that it can

    be handled by applying Bible counsel and manifesting love; rather,

    it is serious enough to reflect badly on the congregation and

    potentially to spread to other Christians.

  • jws

    My brother and I were marked at one time. Nobody officially told us that. And nobody was told specifically that they must mark us. But they did give a talk.

    If I remember the gist of it, it was up to everyone to decide whether they wanted to mark another. And then they proceeded to list a bunch of things that were considered reasons you might mark somebody.

    I forget all of them, but listed together, it was definitely talking about my brother and I. It included going to rock concerts, watching R rated movies, dressing worldly, weight lifting (bodily training), and probably some other things.

    I think we or my dad was told that we needed to pay close attention to that part on the meeting and my dad had it recorded. I don't know why I had to listen. It was telling others to mark me.

    Anyway, I have a recording someplace, maybe. And I also transcribed it. I doubt I still have the file, but I know I have a paper copy someplace.

  • flipper

    When I was a Witness I saw people get marked for going to nightclubs and dancing suggestively with someone other than their marriage mate. Even saw people get marked for going to PARTICULAR nightclubs that were considered " pickup " joints for the opposite sex. I saw people get marked for playing allegedly " spiritistic "games like Dungeons & Dragons. I saw people get marked for marrying outside the Witnesses also. I saw one elder get marked for trying to turn conregation members against his own daughter - even though she had done nothing wrong. He and his wife had been verbally and physically abusive to her - then SHE turned him into his fellow elders- then HE tried swaying the congregation members AGAINST his own daughter for exposing him ! Fortunately the local elders chastised him, removed him as an elder and gave a talk concerning the conduct and marked him. It was crazy , freaky - polarizing the whole congregation in half with people taking sides ! Freaking nutjob elder. Turning people against his own daughter for exposing his bad conduct.

    So these are a few things I eyewitnessed in my 44 years in the JW cult

  • Iamallcool


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I knew someone who was marked for standing up for an adult girl who said she was sexually abused by 2 elders at a Sheparding visit. The elders told him to drop it but he spread it around the congregation. The elders gave a talk very specifically to avoid this unnamed brother. Most everyone knew who the talk was about.

    A couple years later this same girl started a rumor that Mrs. Dazed and another elder were sleeping together. I knew then that she was a lying sociopath and a bitch. At the time she did this, she was in another hall, and we barely knew who she was. Im not sure if she was ever marked but she sure should have been.

    She loved to stir up trouble with the elders.

  • stillin

    Wow, Flipper, your congregation really rocked! Actually, I was marked when I decided that the local elders had it in for me and I decided to go to the nearest congregation other than the one I was assigned to. A talk was given, then the brothers where I had been felt that the brother who gave the talk had gone "over the top" and they denied that it was a "marking talk." After a year or so, the brothers in the new congregation decided that I am not a trouble-maker, just somebody looking for some peace, and I began to get assignments in that congregation. They saw what was going on.

    I'm still not a "trouble maker." The friends are good people, just deluded. But it's not my "job" to straighten them out.

  • love2Bworldly

    How did people find out someone was "marked"? Is it just through gossip? I do remember sometimes there being public talks about staying away from certain types of behaviors, but no names were mentioned, and then later my girlfriend (whose dad was an elder) would tell me the talk was because so-and-so was doing the behaviors mentioned in the talk.

    But if my girlfriend didn't tell me, I wouldn't know who they were talking about.

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