What would you say if a close friend was to come to you and say: "I've secretly been studying with Jehovah's Witnesses and I plan to join their organization. I know how you feel about the Witnesses, but I truly feel that they are God's chosen organization. I don't really want to hear anything negative about the Society, but out of respect for our friendship, I'll let you briefly mention one reason why I shouldn't." What would be the one thing you'd mention?
'Give me one reason I shouldn't be a JW.'
by Ephanyminitas 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
They are historical revisionists, thus liars, and they discourage any detailed examination of their history.
The governing body claims to speak for god. What proof is there of that assertion?
Like the Pope of the Catholic Church, they claim to be the direct descendants of Russell, who himself tacitly claimed to be the ‘faithful and discreet slave,’ with no empirical evidence. Perhaps more importantly than what evidence the latest version of the FDS claims, what evidence did Russell/Rutherford/Knorr ever produce to support their claim?
prove to me that they are gods chosen organization without the help of their brainwashing literature.
Ask yourself this. What is the sign of a false prophet? Wouldn't it be ONE false prophecy??? The society has made dozens. So many that they have had to change the meaning of the word prophet. They now consider a prophet a teacher. Isn't that nice?
Go ahead, join them, be one of them. Some are very happy as witnesses. You've come to the wrong place if you want to meet happy witnesses. Oh by the way, you aren't allowed to be here.
Good luck to you.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
The one reason i would give is that the bible is proven to be unreliable by archeology, history, and science.
Why would you want to be a part of an organization that encourages others to examine their religions, but doesn't allow it's own members to do the same thing?
Hi, LB. Your post was written so realistically that I just wanted to make sure that you realize that the question is just an example. I personally am LEAVING the organization; not joining!
I knew that you were looking for an example, although I didn't know you were leaving. I hope you have an uneventful journey.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Xena says:
Why would you want to be a part of an organization that encourages others to examine their religions, but doesn't allow it's own members to do the same thing?
The Freedom to Think means:
"I'd rather have Questions that I can't Answer ----Than Questions, I can't Ask.
MY FRIEND in my view you have summed up the entire jw concept
they spend billions of hours asking folks to be open minded enough to loook at info that may show that thier faith has dogmas not supported by the bible and IF THEY DO JUST ONE DOGMA WRONGA
YOU MUST conclude that they are :
3. ON THE SIDE OF SATAN HIMSELFof course when jw have something wrong
1. they meant well
2, new light is on the way
3. the apostales had some stuff wrong
and on and on and on and on and on
the excuses go YET no OTHER faith can use the same excuse that wt usesyes 2 set of scales
one for us and one for the rest