In the Jeremiah book this week there was this example used to bash further education...
12 A brother now serving at world headquarters was 15 when he was offered a scholarship to a university. To his teachers’ dismay, he did not accept that offer, preferring a career as a pioneer. Still, his love for learning never left him. He became a missionary on a remote island. There he had to learn a language spoken by a little over 10,000 people. There was no dictionary in that language, so he compiled a glossary on his own. He eventually mastered the language and was assigned to translate some of our Christian publications. Later, the glossary that he compiled was used as a basis for the first dictionary in that language. He once told a large audience at a district convention: “If I had accepted the university education, whatever academic works I accomplished would have been for my own glory. As it is, I have no secular qualification whatsoever. So I do not get the credit for what I have done. All the credit goes to Jehovah.” (Prov. 25:27) What do you think of the choice he made when he was 15? Over the years, he has enjoyed many privileges among God’s people. In your case, how do you want to use your talents? Rather than seeking your own glory, are you determined to use them to praise Jehovah?
A thread on jwtalk says this person is GB member Geoffrey Jackson as CO told the congregation. I know he went to Tahiti as he is used in a latest "need greater" recruitment drive video that the COs are showing each Sunday of their visit. Can anyone confirm? Does anyone care?