Is this example in the Jeremiah Book Geoffrey Jackson

by konceptual99 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    In the Jeremiah book this week there was this example used to bash further education...

    12 A brother now serving at world headquarters was 15 when he was offered a scholarship to a university. To his teachers’ dismay, he did not accept that offer, preferring a career as a pioneer. Still, his love for learning never left him. He became a missionary on a remote island. There he had to learn a language spoken by a little over 10,000 people. There was no dictionary in that language, so he compiled a glossary on his own. He eventually mastered the language and was assigned to translate some of our Christian publications. Later, the glossary that he compiled was used as a basis for the first dictionary in that language. He once told a large audience at a district convention: “If I had accepted the university education, whatever academic works I accomplished would have been for my own glory. As it is, I have no secular qualification whatsoever. So I do not get the credit for what I have done. All the credit goes to Jehovah.” (Prov. 25:27) What do you think of the choice he made when he was 15? Over the years, he has enjoyed many privileges among God’s people. In your case, how do you want to use your talents? Rather than seeking your own glory, are you determined to use them to praise Jehovah?

    A thread on jwtalk says this person is GB member Geoffrey Jackson as CO told the congregation. I know he went to Tahiti as he is used in a latest "need greater" recruitment drive video that the COs are showing each Sunday of their visit. Can anyone confirm? Does anyone care?

  • slimboyfat

    Sounds like it

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    So we can confirm that one smart kid who turned down education did ok for himself. What about all the other JWs kids who didn't get their education, grew up and are now struggling?

  • Lozza Aussie
    Lozza Aussie

    I posted a comment under another thread "Here comes Baruch again" a few days ago. At the meeting last week a sister in our cong made a comment that it was Geoffrey Jackson that the para in Jermiah book was referring to. How she knew this I don't know. She's the wife of an elder so maybe that's why she knows who this story was about. I didn't think to ask her how she knew it was Geoffrey Jackson. I also made the comment what about all the other folkes who have listened to the GB over the years about not perusing higher education and now are living in poverty. It really pi**es me off all the banging on about higher education. There is no basis in scripture for such a doctrine.

  • DesirousOfChange

    What if he hadn't decided (or if God hadn't decided) that he should start sipping & nibbling at the Memorial?

    Where would he be today?

    No luxury apartment in NY.......No one caring for his meals, cleaning his apt, wining & dining him in the finest places, all on "dedicated funds".

    Where would he be then?

    Just another broke, struggling, uneducated JW.


  • rocketman

    Good point DOC.

    These examples, just as biblical examples such as Paul, are in the minority, and yet constantly trumpeted as examples to imitate. How many first-century Christians did what Paul did? And now many modern-day JWs do what Jackson did and end up living the pampered life of a GB member, or, for that matter, accomplish anything noteworthy?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    These "experiences" never do a follow-up: you know, the person had a great life as a JW "serving god" while turning down all secular opportunities, then when they are old and have no retirement, no savings, no home and no family, "real" life begins.

    Of course, if this story is about Jackson, he's got nothing to worry about. In a very real sense, he is being handsomely rewarded for his "sacrifice"- probably faring much better than a JW who had to actually work hard and earn/save/invest for their security, without the help of a rich religious organization.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    “If I had accepted the university education, whatever academic works I accomplished would have been for my own glory"

    This reminds me of some examples of all the selfish people in history who got an education "for their own glory":

    Jonas Salk, inventor of the polio vaccine- selfish !

    Wright Brothers, who opened the door to flight and aerospace travel- selfish!

    H. Lamarr, wireless technology inventor and innovator- selfish!

    Galileo, who defied the ignorance of the Catholic Church and educated the world to science and physics- selfish!

    Alexander Fleming, inventor of penicillin- selfish !

    Edison, inventor of the light bulb and hundreds of other every day technologies- selfish !

    Geoffrey Jackson-

    Learned a language spoken by only 10,000 people in order to teach a false religion and enslave those same people. Nice going. Now he's living the high life in Brooklyn. What a sacrifice.

  • konceptual99

    @Lozza - sorry I missed your original comment on the other thread so apologies for a double post.

    In our hall someone mentioned that this brother did end up getting the recognition they deserved as they were able to recount the experience to a DC audience and have now been mentioned in the magazine. Now there's a carrot for all those young people being denied choices...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Rather than seeking your own glory, are you determined to use them to praise Jehovah?"

    And instead of seeking your own glory, why not use your talents to praise the chair that you're sitting in? If Jehovah needs to get some praise and recognition, why doesn't he write his own dictionary? Why doesn't he actually do something himself that is praiseworthy... other than having messagers warning that he's about to go batsh!t crazy and start a terrorizing genocide that's going to kill everyone that doesn't belong to this or that religion or sect? As if masterminding a bloodbath is somehow "praiseworthy." Geez, Jehovah is so lazy and insecure that he needs kids to turn their backs on their own education and future in order to drive around knocking at houses where people either aren't at home or aren't interested in getting a "Bible study" from uneducated drones that have no critical thinking ability?

    While WT tells the sheeple to avoid any recognition for their talents or abilities, the GB laps up every drop of glory and honor they can get from their position. Although they don't have the dresses and hats, they're every bit the clergy of the Catholic Church.


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