Not even eating with such a man?

by Marvin Shilmer 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Not even eating with such a man?

    Today I added a new article to my blog taking a closer look at Watchtower’s doctrinal position that Jehovah’s Witnesses should not even eat a meal with disfellowshipped individuals.

    As it turns out Watchtower holds families among Jehovah’s Witnesses to one standard and holds itself to a wholly different standard.

    My article is titled Not even eating with such a man? and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Bobcat


    That's right up the WT's alley. They want everyone else to accept whatever pain comes from maintaining their disfellowshipping doctrine, but they themselves won't even put themselves at risk by announcing publicly that 'so-and-so is disfellowshipped.' Rather, all they will say is that 'so-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses.' And they expect everyone else to understand what that actually means. They perfectly exemplify Matthew 23:4.

  • Mum

    They're not even pretending that their inconsistency is "Bible-based." They are just taking care not to tarnish their image even more. Image is everything.

  • Tylinbrando

    Nice work Marvin

  • whathappened

    Good Catch, Marvin! The crazy inconsistancies just keep coming dont they? Thanks.

  • LouBelle

    Thank goodness I don't give a lil shyte what the WT has to say.

    Good work though

  • steve2

    Very good article Marvin. Nicely makes its point with minimum of words and all the more potent for it.

    I hadn't realized this amazing "public" double standard existed but your referencing nails the point.

    The Watchtower is into Impression Management big time.

  • JeffJ

    I never would have thought of that. I don't remember if Ray Franz mentioned it in Crises of Conscience. Do you think he went to the memorial after being disfellowshipped for eating with someone who was disfellowshipped and partook causing the entire congregation to be in the same stuation they df'd him for?

  • EdenOne

    I wonder if John was thinking of the memorial meal when he said "not even eating with such a man"... after all, in context, he was talking about the antichrists, which, according to his own definition, are the ones who deny both the Father and the Son. If they deny the Son, in particular, if they deny that Christ came in the flesh, why would they be worthy of partaking in a meal that's supposed to represent the body and blood of Christ?

    Interesting thought.


  • Scott77

    I liked that statement, "Apparently what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander!". Its ok for the Watchtower to be a member of United Nation but not ordinary Jehovah's Witnesses. That is the mother of all double standard


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