Hello all,
For some reason my neighborhood gets worked over by the JWs constantly. They are here every week going up and down the streets. It's a comfortable, safe neighborhood with nice houses. I can see why they would concentrate here. It's easy. Also, mostly all professionals and no one is at home daytimes. Because of my schedule and the kind of work I do, I work from home during the summer months.
When they knock (softly) I always answer. It's usually different people every time. I pretty much always say the same thing -- that I have heard of their religion, and I am well aware of their many failures. Usually they just say "Have a nice day" and run off. Today, the older woman (accompanied by a younger woman) shot back that no one knows the day or the hour. I looked at her like -- hey, can you hear yourself talk?
She then told me they look for signs based on what the Bible says -- earthquakes being the example she gave. She said she had a background in science, and knows that earthquakes are happening at a much increased rate. I then said, "Well, come on in and sit down and let's talk." Her response was: "No, we don't think that would be appropriate. We can send a man." I told her, that would be fine, "Go ahead and send a man." I doubt anyone will show up.
As they left, I did say one more thing: "It seems that as soon as someone wants to talk to you, you want run off. That doesn't send a very good message about what you have to say, now does it?"