I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and suggestions. I appreciate all of them and know that I will greatly benefit. I have some experience as a writer, having produced a column for a local newspaper as well as an in-house publication at one job. But all of that was years ago and that was non-fiction. Fiction is a different beast all together which demands a different perspective.
I once worked at a public library so I am familiar with both Writer’s Digest and Writer’s Market. Both of them are wonderful tools for authors of all kinds. This burgeoning phenomenon of self-publishing is one I find to be the most intriguing. The Internet is making this possible and I want to investigate it more closely.
I want to thank those of you who have volunteered to proofread Magic Squared for me. I will very likely take you up on your offers, so don’t be surprised to see chapter installments in your inboxes soon. I’ll contact you privately before I send anything, of course. The advice to get a good editor was absolutely spot on and I definitely will follow it. Once again, I am deeply grateful to all of you for your input and I’ll keep you apprised as to my progress.