If you are on vacation and see a cute, pictureques, church and your fun and artistic side says, hey...let's go in...what's to be expected? I would think that it would be OK to just slip in for a few minutes and slip out again. Geez...I don't want to listen. Are pictures allowed..if you desire?
I live in a large city.
A few years back, my ex-Elder hubby had an Art class on a Sunday AM. So wifey, instead of taking a walk in the park...had fun walking from church to next beautiful church for a look see. It was FUN!
I remember the one, maybe Anglican, in the back, before you go into the main Hall, there was a font of water, that people put there fingers into. i looked in. It was growing green mold. Eww.
A few weeks later I was in the backseat serice car with the Co and his wife. LoisLane says, guess where I went? We all had a good laugh. I was in the first Circuit, he and his wife had 30 years ago. I wish they would wake up to TTATT.
Just Lois