Vid its so comforting to be a part of JWN and know I'm not crazy. To know other sane and normal people had the exact same issues. To know I'm not weak in faith, I'm just seeing the evidence. Thanks for the long post. Red pills for everyone.
Neanderthals, Early Modern Humans, and a Creator
by Comatose 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Comatose – “Vid it’s so comforting to be a part of JWN and know I'm not crazy…”
Careful; only crazy people are certain they’re not crazy.
Comatose – “…to know other sane and normal people had the exact same issues…”
Case in point; what makes you think I’m sane? Or normal?? Haven’t you read any of my other posts???!!!
Comatose – “…To know I'm not weak in faith, I'm just seeing the evidence…”
And brave enough to accept the evidence, especially if it contradicts ideology (being serious here).
Comatose – “Thanks for the long post.”
Wow. You’re welcome.
Most people don’t even acknowledge when I make a long post, let alone thank me for it.
I think I remember your intro post; your Big Thing was the Flood, yeah? Is your wife fading with you?
Yeah it was flood and also Neanderthals. I couldn't wrap my bead around either. Wife is fully on board and its going great. Better than I hoped. I'm very lucky.
Same here; my kids go to their neighbor friends' bday parties; we have R-rated Blu-rays, and I bought a vibrator for my wife on Mothers' day.
lol - yeehaw
Hmm. In retrospect, maybe I'm even farther ahead than you; I'm (also) mostly agnostic at this point.
Plus, wife and I got our first tattoos just this weekend.
EDIT: Not that you guys should feel pressured to keep up or anything.
It caused a number of sleepless nights for me, I can tell you. Initially, I assumed that the WTS would sooner or later acknowledge this and correct their stance, but when I thought about it more and more, I realized that they'd already painted themselves too far into the Genesis-as-literal-history corner. To reverse their position on evolution would require them to rewrite huge swaths of JW theologyAnd this was, in fact, confirmed for me in an Awake! issue about a year after I had my little epiphany; they basically acknowledged that if evolution were true, Genesis could only be an allegory (and thusly the foundation of JW Christianity would be completely undermined; i.e., no Adam, therefore no Adamic Sin, therefore no need for Jesus' Ransom, therefore no need for Christianity, at least as the WT defined it)
The WT writers know they have to ignore this ancient human stuff- or risk stampeding the horses out of the KH. So, as long as JWs don't personally see the theological paradox with neanderthals, they can continue providing the meat in due season just like always, to a slavish membership.
I agree the Watchtower can never compromise on evolution.
Christianity sees Jesus' death in terms of vicarious punishment. The borg see it in terms of this silly Jesus-Adam equivalence. They are shackled to stupidity forever.
What if this guy is even half-right?! Science and religion both are going to need to back up and punt.
How would you know if you have Neanderthal DNA? Were certain ethnic groups closer to Neanderthals? If you know your family history, does that help? I am serious by the way, not just drinking and being a brat. I personally believe that Bigfoot might be either a primate or a Neanderthal type person. You know, hiding out like the Dogmen.