I don't get it ... 80% of people in Oklahoma DON'T have a Tornado Shelter. Are they nuts ????

by RubaDub 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    WTH is that supposed to mean there scotoma ? A gun isn't going to stop a tornado but it may save your life when someone is trying to assualt you .Tornado shelters should be provided by the state as most people are not at home when the tornado hits .They do happen fast and it would be hard to find one in time but at least some will .

  • RubaDub
    WTH is that supposed to mean there scotoma ? A gun isn't going to stop a tornado ...

    heathen ...

    Think again. If everyone started shooting at the tornado with the 33 capacity magazines on their assult rifles, the tornado at least may take another path around the patriots.

    Rub a Dub

  • therevealer

    Was watching some news reports and it mentioned the ground is very heavy clay soil and hard to build basements that do not flood or have mold problems. As a result most are built on concrete slabs and can withstand about 90 mgh winds. There is an effort underway to include or add a vaultlike shelter inside but they cost 8 to 10 thousand and it is slow going to add them.

  • Tylinbrando

    I could blast and clear a 6 cubic foot hole in granite in 8 hours. Tie in and poor concrete casings and add a storm door in another 8 hours.

    Couldn't solve the drowning problem but people have survived trapped in cisterns for many days.

    One couple explained that they survived this OK tornado in such a shelter even when the substantial storm door was ripped open.

    I don't know. There has to be other reasons for a lack of shelters besides poverty, bedrock and statistics.

  • mP

    Is Ok one of the Xian parts of the USA ?

  • Tylinbrando

    Oklahoma is part of a geographical region characterized by conservative and Evangelical Christianity known as the "Bible Belt".

    According to the Pew Research Center, the majority of Oklahoma's religious adherents – 85 percent – are Christian, accounting for about 80 percent of the population. The percentage of Oklahomans affiliated with Catholicism is half of the national average, while the percentage affiliated with Evangelical Protestantism is more than twice the national average

  • Talk22

    You see thats why im glad I live in my van I can pop out and go first sign of trouble or if theres work somewhere else.

  • MrFreeze

    Tylinbrando, correct me if I'm wrong but for a project like that, would you not need a building permit?

  • blondie


    (don't forget the building permit)

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    On a TV tornado documentary, there was a man in tornado alley who built a very thick-walled above-ground concrete shelter. I don't remember how it was anchored to or into the ground.

    An EF-4 tornado came through; he got into his shelter; his house was blown away; he and his shelter survived.

    The problem with shelters like this is that they're probably very expensive to build, especially if designed to hold several families.

    Unlike earthquakes and hurricanes, which cause widespread damage, tornados have narrow, though intense, paths of destruction. Many people living in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas have never even seen a tornado. That's why so many victims are shocked when one finally shows up.

    In southern Pennsylvania, where I live, every few years an EF-3 tornado comes through. With the dense population here, there's always damage and injuries. But I don't know anyone here that has built a tornado shelter. It's one of those it's-not-likely-to-happen-to-me deals.

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