Do David Splanes offensive and pompous orations have a silver lining?

by ranmac 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ranmac

    Im starting to think so.

    I was still somewhat active in meeting and assembly attendance when I first started doubting the JW life. When I first heard Splane give a discourse, it was a real wake up call as to what kind of people are controling this organization. The next time I heard him speak he was even worse.

    As Ive seen on this forum, many people have had the same experience.

    In Slimboyfats thread,, he noted this gem from Splane: If traumatic things have happened in your past then just don't think about it, that's the best you can do until the new system.

    This is one of the most irresponsible and rage inducing comments I have ever heard. This type of advice is the kind that has ruined generations of peoples lives. Breakfast of Champions you are spot on, he is a complete f#cking shit head.

    There might not be a mass exodus of people leave when he vomits his skewed view of shit on the audience but i think his words are a real turning point for people who are on the fence about their organization.

    Thanks David!

    Anyone else?

  • Splash

    That's what happens when you surround someone with idolising, sycophantic 'yes' men who are too terrified to say he has lost all sense of humility and normalcy.

    You get a demanding, arrogant monster who delusionally believes that everything he says is the very wisdom of God.


  • designs

    Last Assembly I ever attended was a Special Assembly Day and David Splane was the speaker. He ranted at the audience, pounded the podium, accused the people of being faithless slackers and it was that light bulb moment realizing that this Religion was being led by crazy guys.

    Keep up the world tour David.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I can only hope he or one of the other Eight Wonders of the World are at our convention this year. I am positive it would be a real "tipping point" for my wife and others like her.

  • steve2

    There is always the worry that the drip, drip, dripping of this crazy man-tap Splane will be perceived by the rank and file as providing much-needed spiritual refreshment in due season. There appears no limit to what most of the rank and file mindlessly swallow.

    I could never forget an ignorant, uneduated CO in New Zealand in the 1970s who spouted from the platform that genuinely suicidal people never tell you they are going to do it and that those who tell you they're suicidal never do it!

    The evidence-based mental-health literature has never ever held that highly contentious and erroneous view.

    This CO's words were quoted slavishly by the rank and file for years to come, willfully oblivious to the stupidity and dangerousness of such words and flying in the face of actual examples of brothers and sisters who had expresed suicidality to the elders, been publically reproved or worse by the elders and then killed themselves.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Aww come on, don't be too hard on ole' Splaney. If you lived like a corporate CEO in an ivory tower worshipped by over 7,000,000 brainwashed adherents you'd probably say the same things too.

  • Fernando

    Go David, go!

    (2 Timothy 3:9) .?.?.Nevertheless, they will make no further progress, for their madness will be very plain to all.?.?.

    (Matthew 23:2) .?.?.“The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Oh he's so nice and such a great speaker! Said a friend of mine after we saw Gerrit Loesch give some speeches at an international. Hero worship: these guys could get up and belch into the microphone and everyone would think it was great. When you revere someone, they can do no wrong.

  • Splash

    And when it comes to the GB's continual stream of New Light refinements:

    *** Galatians 2:18 ***
    For if the very things that I once threw down I build up again, I demonstrate myself to be a transgressor.


  • outsmartthesystem

    You could imagine how disappointed I was to hear that David Splane would be at our assembly.....and not David Blaine.

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