An open CHALLENGE to active JW's

by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    How can the following be proved to be scriptural?

    What possible evidence supports these teachings and policies?

    1. Jesus surveyed all christian denominations and chose the "anointed" under Judge Rutherford for his approved church in the year 1919.

    2. Charles Russell predicted 1914 was date for the return of Christ rather than Armageddon.

    3. There are two classes of saved christians and the majority will not have a heavenly hope.

    4. The bible is only written for the anointed and not the majority of christians who must, instead, turn to the Governing Body.

    5. Jesus is NOT the mediator between Jehovah and the great crowd of worshippers but the Governing Body itself is.

    6. Declaring apostasy when any member diaagrees with the men of the GB or the Elders who parrot their policies.

    7. Branch committees and not local congregations decide who is a child molestor and who will be declared a predator. Notifying the police is not automatic procedure.

    8. Declaring it a disfellowship offense for mothers to speak a greeting to DF'd children. Family must shun ex-members even if they aren't speaking out against the religion.

    Where is your verification these Watchtower policies aren't just the opinions, prejudices and whims of ordinary human despots pretending to be the only true "channel" of the living God?

  • Jeffro
    Where is your verification these Watchtower policies aren't just the opinions, prejudices and whims of ordinary human despots pretending to be the only true "channel" of the living God?

    Let the circular reasoning begin...

  • EdenOne

    Ok, Terry, I'll bite :P

    1. Jesus surveyed all christian denominations and chose the "anointed" under Judge Rutherford for his approved church in the year 1919.

    Unscriptural, unproven, unprovable.

    2. Charles Russell predicted 1914 was date for the return of Christ rather than Armageddon.

    The understanding that 1914 was the date of the return of Christ was only set after 1914. Until then, the expectation was that 1914 would be the date of the Armageddon.

    3. There are two classes of saved christians and the majority will not have a heavenly hope.

    There are indeed two classes, the "144.000" that will rule with Christ, and the "great crowd". However, both have a heavenly call. This was the pre-1935 understanding.

    4. The bible is only written for the anointed and not the majority of christians who must, instead, turn to the Governing Body.

    Unscriptural. Actually, anti-biblical.

    5. Jesus is NOT the mediator between Jehovah and the great crowd of worshippers but the Governing Body itself is.

    Unscriptural. Jesus is the mediator for all Christians.

    6. Declaring apostasy when any member diaagrees with the men of the GB or the Elders who parrot their policies.

    Over-zealous interpretation of the Scriptures. Such interpretation lacks love an mercy.

    7. Branch committees and not local congregations decide who is a child molestor and who will be declared a predator. Notifying the police is not automatic procedure.

    Abiding by the law of the "Superior Authorities" is paramount here, since child molesting is more than a sin, it's a public crime, and should be dealt accordingly and promptly, prioritizing the protection of the victim.

    8. Declaring it a disfellowship offense for mothers to speak a greeting to DF'd children. Family must shun ex-members even if they aren't speaking out against the religion.

    The only time "total shunning" ("do not even invite them in or greet them" - 2 John 10) is called for is when dealing with "antichrists", former Christians who turned their back on Christ and God, and who teach others to do so. As far as other common sins, Paul said "you must not associate with" (1 Cor 5:11) meaning, that social and spiritual close relationship with such person should be avoided. However, this doesn't rule out greeting, verbal or written communication when needed. This is not a command for total estrangement.


  • notsurewheretogo

    The obvious answer is because the divine channel of communication to God says so...

    If they said pigs fly the dubs wouldn't question it...

  • Phizzy

    Where does the Bible say Blood fractions are acceptable ?

  • *lost*

    This is excellent

  • Terry

    Not many JW's (or ex-JW's ) know exactly when the Society changed their teaching concerning WHEN Jesus arrived.

    Anybody care to guess?

  • Jeffro
    Not many JW's (or ex-JW's ) know exactly when the Society changed their teaching concerning WHEN Jesus arrived.

    Jesus being made 'king' was changed from 1878 to 1914 in 1920.

    But it wasn't until 1933 that his 'coming' was changed from 1874 to 1914. - Watch Tower, December 1, 1933, page 362: "The year 1914, therefore, marks the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of glory."

  • Phizzy

    So, they didn't know about the 1919 choosing even in 1933 ? when did they learn "they" (read Rutherford) had been chosen ?

    Terry's first stumper is about 1919, I think Terry, as that is totally unanswerable, it would be best to put it last, at least that way the JW may look at and think about your other questions first.

    They are also indefensible from scripture, but we would wish the JW to see this, stick 'em with 1919 too early and the will just give up mumbling "Apostate questionings " or something similar.

  • Fernando

    How did we manage to believe, delusionally, for so many years, that there was no question or challenge we or "mother" couldn't face?

    In "service", I once asked an "elder" (Pharisee) to explain what the gospel is in one word. He literally ran from me. He then arranged for a public needs talk. The sheeple were warned to report to the "elders" immediately if we asked them a similar question. It was quite obvious we were being threatened with the shun gun if we were to continue speaking about the "good news about Jesus" (Acts 5:28,40,42).

    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

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