When we read here we se a lott of backside in this religion, and peopel who read here can belief that it is not a attractiv religion, but who comes that from this Famus man Franz who as you say stripp this religion ,JW have a tremendus growth,from 2 million to 6millon on 20 year is unbelevebel, some qestion is important ,WHY AND WHAT IS THE attraction? despite all this cpmplain the religion is growing,intresting topic,i hope we have a lot of answers.
What is JW s ` attraction
by happy man 10 Replies latest jw friends
ALL relgions have been growing; Watchtower lies when they say they are not.
The attraction? There is NO attraction for emotionally well balanced, psychologically healthy people. Ya got that?
You just LOVE sticking your FEET in your cybermouth don't you?
Most cults have something attractive about them, otherwise people wouldn't join.
Some of the attractions of the JW's are:
1 - They appear to have answers to the questions that puzzle man about existance, God, and the bible - even though there are more holes in their theology than a string vest.
2 - They also offer a culture of works, whereby man can believe he is actually effective in contributing to his own salvation, instead of relying TOTALLY on God.
3 - Also they offer fellowship with a bunch of people doing the same thing, like when playground children used to play "Simon Says!", or "Musical Statues".
4 - They hold high standards of conduct - standards that pretty much everyone would accept as being admirable, but then, so were the laws of the Mosaic Covenant - unattainable, especially when being enforced by imperfect men who pretend they have a hotline to making perfect decisions. -
General Statistics
World Population: 6.12 billion people.
One third of earth's people call themselves Christians.
One third of non-Christians live in already reached people groups.
One third of non-Christians live in unreached people groups.
680 million (~11.5%) are Evangelicals or Bible reading Christians.Active persecution of Christians takes place in: Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, China, Iran, Morocco, Libya, Egypt and Algeria. Over 160,000 believers will be martyred this year.
US missionaries make up only 30% of the world's missionaries. Our slightly declining annual number is being overtaken by increased participation from Africa, Latin America and Korea
Of those involved in missions in the US, 98% are Senders (Financial Support, Prayers, Letter, Mobilizers, Pastors, etc.), 0.5% are Servicers (Mobilizers, Administrative, Tech Support, Training, Communication), 1.5% are Missionaries (Church Planting, Development, Tentmaking, Tribal Outreach, Health Services).
Worldwide: Last year alone, about 120,000,000 people were presented the gospel for the first time
Worldwide: About 1.7 billion people now listen to Christian radio or watch Christian TV on a monthly basis.
Worldwide: Christians now spend 388,000,000,000 man-hours every year proclaiming the gospel in evangelism.
Christianity is the single fastest growing religion in the world. For example, in AD 100 there were 360 non-believers for every believer. Today, there are only nine non-believers for every believer, and only four of those non-believers are from unreached people groups. Today at least 6,000 Bible-believing local churches exist to support each of the 10,000 missionary teams that will be needed to finish the task of reaching every people group for Christ. We have over 600 million Bible-believing Christians throughout the world.
The number of people who are being presented the plan of salvation every day is now at least 260,274. Pray for today's quarter million plus. May they respond to the call of Christ. Every day now the average number added to the body of Christ worldwide averages 174,000. 3,500 new churches are opening every week worldwide.
Our annual growth rate of church planting is presently at more than 8% per annum. We only need 11% per annum to allow us to place a living Christian fellowship -a local church--as a witness in every community in the entire world. We have seen countries like Singapore have a 10% increase of those who have seen Christ come into their lives. In the 1980's 10% of Korea and 10% of Chile turned to Christ, and over 10% in Indonesia - the largest Muslim country in the world. Indonesia is now over 25% Christian
Considering the growth rate of the world's religious blocks, Christianity is by far the fastest-growing religion in the world today. The total population of the world increases by 1.72% annually. The world's religions growth percentiles are as follows: Buddhists 1.7%, Nominal Christians 2.2%, Hindus 2.3%, Muslims 2.7%, Non-religious 2.8%, Bible-believing Christians 6.9% .
True Christianity has grown by more than 300 million believers in the past ten years. About 10 million of these new Christians are from North America and Europe, and the rest -290 million--are from developing countries like Nigeria, Argentina, India and China.
Over 700 million people in 220 countries have seen the Jesus film, with 41,000,000 indicating a commitment to Jesus Christ and to follow-up Bible studies.
After 70 years of oppression in the Soviet Union, Christians number about 100 million - five times the number of the Communist Party at the height of its popularity, and 36% of the population. More than 15,000 public school teachers are now teaching morals from the Bible and the life of Christ in their classes.
In Central Asia, a church planted in Uzbekistan just four years ago has grown to 3,000 members and has planted 55 other congregations
Mongolia, which had no church at all as recently as 1991, now has more than 3,000 believers in 17 congregations. And the Mongolians have sent their first missionaries to work with Operation Mobilization in India.
In Nepal, the world's only official Hindu country, over 100,000 Hindus have met the Savior in the last two decades.
This is just one website, most of the numbers from various sources seem to more or less conincide with one another. Many of the larger religions are getting a little smaller, with smaller religions getting a little bigger.
For instance, not far from me, two churches melded together to form one interdenominational/interfaith group of about two thousand. They have to meet in shifts, and that is happening all over the city I live in. There are also some Jewish and Islamic and Hindu and Buddhist interfaith churches in my neighborhood.
And Watchcowards "woe is me woe is me" to the contrary, we have not had a world war in close to sixty years. People are planning all kinds of things for the 75th anniversary of the end of World War 2. (Watchtower not invited.
The only place that 'the love of the greater number is cooling off' is Watchtower and non-christian religions. Hmmmm...what a coincidence.
I'm sure I have just made unhappy man and yardfart even MORE unhappier...
your stats. are inclusive of 'nominal' christians... including those who call themselves christian, but may only attend church once or twice per year...!!!
The attraction? There is NO attraction for emotionally well balanced, psychologically healthy people.
From what I have seen I would agree with this comment. At one time obviously there was some attraction and people joined and had children that were baptized. I think times have changed.
Hallo (happy)man..
From Sweden...
Kul fråga du ställde! men något generalfel är det när alla andra har större framgång på samma marknad än JW, eller hur?
går ej att skylla på satan längre :-)Have a nice day, Man if you still are happy...
And of course we should not forget about another certain type of person attracted to the JW's: The Human Predator.
It's not easy to be a Predator among strong-willed, well-informed people who have options at hand with which to expose you. So Predators seek out groups of people whose members are accustomed to having their choices limited, their information controlled and their willingness to speak out curtailed by threat of being cast out.
The sheeplike ones at every Kingdom Hall are fodder for the Predator.
There is no relationship between GROWTH & TRUTH when it comes to religion.
There are 2 billion Catholics & Muslims to prove that.All RELIGIONS are a SCAM & a means to control others, for none can be proved & almost all have been proven LIARS by their own words!
What's the attraction?
We got the truth and we can prove it. Sit down, shutup, and listen. Lots of people who are highly suggestible and have other emotional problems go for it big time.