You all make me feel so jealous. I have never did it or heard about it until now. I wish I thought of these methods earlier.
Drinking at meetings / assemblies / conventions ... who's done it?
by HarryMac 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As a kid, my friends and I handled the sound (Carried the mics and what not .. before they set the limitation on that being "mature brothers" ) Our mothers were all sisters with unbelieving husbands and were all regular pioneering together .. so they would sometimes let us hang out in the KH in the afternoons while they went on RV's ... We found the wine that was used for the memorial in the sound closet and drank all of it ... It did NOT taste good.. LOL
@darthweef me and my best friend aslo drank the wine after the memorial. Then went partying. Memorial was the closest thing I ever experienced close to a Holiday.
I used to pop down the pub inbetween sessions at Southampton. Never did it at Bournemouth though.
dazed but not confused
I went heavily buzzed a few times back when I drank. Once it was when they still had book study in the home. During the last prayer I had a silent burp and after my wife said, "Wow, you really smell like alcohol." After the meeting. No one else ever said anything.
gma this was in Europe obviously
Near the end of my exit , at a DC ,I excused myself and went to a pub that was televising an AFL grand final ,I had a few ales enjoyed the game then went back to the meeting ,this was in the early 90`s .
hhmm... thanks for the stories.
I thought I was so badass! Apparently, not really, lol.
we had a regular little Thursday night after the meeting drinkies in a lovely old pub conveniently located on the way home for us brothers, the PO would sometimes sniff out our arrangement then we'd lay low for a couple of weeks, funny thing is I kind of miss those days. The DC drinkies are legendary with the pub all the hipsters used to meet at after the final Sunday, The Barney Arms and yes I did witness them run out of beer! a lovely pub situated on the River Thames, and it always seemed to be a stunning early evening.
Clear poision = About the light beer. I think this is utter B/S. I have never heard of it, and I find it hard to believe that this would of ever gone on.