Everyone knows that people sign up to have the CO over for lunch Wed. through Fri. But in your area, did they (even privately, outside of a sign up sheet) also invite him over sometimes for dinner as well, at all? Is this something that varies by CO?
Circuit Overseer sign up sheet
by A question 12 Replies latest jw friends
What does it matter if and when he accepts an invitation out for a meal. It is up to him. Nothing is written in stone. He can go out to Macdonald's every day if he wants to and pays for it himself.
I used to hate arranging the CO appointments when I was Service Overseer. We had one (for the Brits - Charlie Sc*rlock) whose wife was so judgemental that none of the sisters wanted to work with her or take her on studies. But they all wanted to cater for them.
Depends on the CO.
We've had some who prompted songs of rejoicing upon their completion of their last visit. It was like pulling teeth to even get the lunch list filled.
Others are real "people persons" and (at least comparitively) humble. They would get invitations for dinner, golf, vacations, etc. even when not visiting our congregation.
We used to go up and shake the CO's hand and have money in our palms. We also would give his wife money too, knowing she must be giving up a normal life and all.
Now I am sorry I gave any of them a dime. They just help perpetuate one lie after another.
A question
Interesting. BTTT.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
sir82 nailed it. Some were likable and got lots of invites. Others were avoided like the plague.
This reminded me of a CO visit not long before I stopped attending. He was actually a nice guy and he invited me out to lunch and asked me to choose a place where we could talk in private. I thought he was going to try to "encourage" me because of my low hours. Instead, he asked me for advice and he did indeed insist on paying the bill. He was really unhappy as a CO, but had been on the road for long enough at that point that he just didn't know what else to do. To make a long conversation into a story short, he took my advice. He found a job and left the circuit work within about 5 months of our conversation.
one problem with these schedules is that they are mamaged to have the right people break bread with the brother.
the other is that it is really a feeding, because it is rush off to the service at 13 hrs 15 and the pioneer evening at 19 hundert.
many are good company and travel far as a reward.
A question
How common is it for someone to want to invite the CO, but generally he prefers not to accept extra invitations outside the sign up sheet?
That would be exhausting. Having to be a guest in, essentially, a strangers house for almost every meal. There is no way I could put myself through that.
For God's sake... where would I go to fart.?