Please don't make posts to inform people that you have sent them a PM.
... you have a PM
by Simon 23 Replies latest forum announcements
Kind of a waste of space,ay? I just include it as a matter
of routine to check mine. But I do wish there was a way to alert me without my having to do all of that clicking.
anyhow, roger that, Simon
SIMON- Do you mean " please don't start threads " to inform people they have PM's or do you mean that it's not allowed to make a POST concerning a PM on a thread that's already been started ? Just curious for a clarification, that's all. No biggie. Thanks
There seem to be a growing number of "hey xyz, I sent you a PM" topics being started.
I let it go while there were only a few but it seems everyone is starting to use it which obviously will be disruptive to the normal flow of the forum.
I'll add a better PM notificaton system though so people won't need this.
SIMON- I see. Thanks for the clarifications. So you are meaning that people are starting Topics or threads entitled " You have a PM " . Not just posts on an already started thread unrelated just to remind someone they have a PM. Appreciate the points you make. Very valid indeed
Simon, did anybody ever tell you that you are doing a great job.
I really appreciate all your efforts, and care for this form.
I'll add a better PM notificaton system though so people won't need this.
That would fix the problem.
I didn't even know there was a separate are for PMs until I saw several posting their notice to others.
Dear Simon, I have been guilty as charged recently, and a couple of times in the past.
Sometimes a PM on here is the only safe way for posters to communicate quickly, and sometimes it is urgent, if someone is suicidal for example.
So please add the Notification system as soon as you can, I know you are busy.
Thanks for all your work.
Better a notification that there is a message. Also, that will save me the time I have to waste checking for messages when there are none.
Another thing: I would like to see it fixed so you don't have to click onto the message, read the error message, back out, and re-click the message if you do have a message. That would make it that much easier to access such messages--whether they be private discussion, specific messages from admins, or warnings. Either way, better to be able to access it to address something before it is too late--or a minor problem before it becomes a major one.
Simon, it would be useful - not sure if possible - that the top right of the page would show some kind of indication that a new PM has arrived. This would eliminate the need for routine check up of the PMs. I know I don't do it that often.