fresh prince of ohio, onacruise passed away in 2011.
missing the JWD glory days
by fresh prince of ohio 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
fresh prince of ohio
Lamallcool, sorry to learn of that. I believe I spoke with him on the phone once, great guy. :(
Thanks fresh prince of ohio for putting me onto that thread by Leolaia from several years ago - her concise and incisive overview of Watchtower history is worth keeping! When seen in the light of retrospective, what we called "the Truth" is utter man-contrived and controlled paranoia. JWD is the place to see the TATT free from religious baggage.
JWN is definitely a much slower moving board than JWD. It has changed, this is true. It's okay to be nostalgic. Then we can MAKE today. But I know what you mean. I first found this board in 2001.
free @ last
So was H2O an exclusively JW/xjw board? What exactly happened to it? Why the mass exodus? Doesn't seem like it exits today.
still thinking
The regulars at that time said we "disrupted their quite little 'coffee shop' atmosphere."...Farkel
Can't please everyone...especially people who HATE change and like to have everything their own way.
I've seen comments like that about people fairly recently...and how the forum NEVER used to be so divisive...I call it, selective vision about the 'good old days'.
I've read a few of the old threads...and there was no coffee shop atmosphere (not in the old threads I've read anyway)...and those good old days look very much like today. Only the names have changed.
I have been on this forum for only 3 yrs and I do not see many changes.
Well, I for one am feckin' tired of conversing with a 'new' person on here, only to find out they are really 'old' with a new name ... it's like being spied on ............... just learned something new in THIS thread. You know me, but pretend you don't ...
Methinks I need to take a break for a while.
The coffee shop atmosphere was partly due to much lower numbers of people posting and that this board was not an ex jw board at first. The disruption was in posting big things about the WTBTS, more than it was personal vendettas between factions.
Right now, things are more like they've always been as far as peacefulness goes. People don't have to agree all the time, but they don't have to draw battle lines and war everyday, in groups, either.
When I signed up there were many more "factions". Each had their own core members and there wasn't much fraternizing.
Let's see, there was Thom's place, that was smaller and seemed like a close knit group
Englishman's forum where you would find some really deep debates
JWO, where all the ex-JW trolls thrived
and JWD which was the largest and often the target of "board wars"
Some interesting times, more drama than midday soaps!
Edit: I think the biggest difference is that other than BBXB, most of the ex-jw communities get along with each other now.