Hooray for Apostasy against blunders and nincompoopery!

by Terry 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    I f you change religions by changing your mind and by moving on to something "better" then technically you are Apostate.

    Consequently, unless you are born a JW you have to abandon another religion to become a JW. So, being an apostate is a good thing if you abandon some OTHER religion, but, if you abandon the JW's you are bad.

    Martin Luther abandoned Catholicism. He was an apostate. Good or bad?

    Charles Taze Russel abadoned the religion of his parents (Scottish Presbyterian) for adventist views and managed to abandon even those beliefs for some fresh ones of his own. He was a double (or triple) apostate.

    Joseph Judge Rutherford changed religions to become a JW and was, consequently an Apostate.

    Every time a JW goes to a door to make a convert he is encouraging apostasy! But, that kind of apostasy is noble and fine. (Wouldn't they agree?)

    When David found fault with Saul and opposed him he was apostate.

    When Jesus criticized the leaders of Judaism he was apostate.

    Paul was apostate.

    Who the hell wasn't apostate?

    My point being this. The governing body encourages in every way possible apostasy on the part of every other religion's membership but, brands it the greatest of all evils when it happens to them. Double standard?

    When anybody at any time who is in a posItion of leadership and responsibility cuts themselves off from criticism and condemns whistle-blowers and treats them as anathema they are setting up the Loyal Opposition to become APOSTATE.

    To prevent Apostasy the Governing Body needs to allow a means of hearing criticism and dealing with it. If the JW's have the TRUTH it should be able to easily defend itself against any such criticisms. But, if JW's have lies and distortion--they have every reason to fear criticism and would necessarily cringe at having their deeds exposed to the light of day. GB policy creates more apostasy than it discourages!

    Even a Bank or Savings and Loan has regular audits. What would you think of a bank that refused an audit? Would it inspire confidence?

    Sometimes the people who love us most must oppose us when they see us on a wrong course of action. It is an act of faithful integrity and stalwart conscientiousness to point out error.

    APOSTASY, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

    Do you recall there was a long period of time in which JW's did not refer to themselves as a "religion" at all because:


    Psychologically, they've had to admit what they are! They've embraced being such a religion.

    And what about "New Light" which changes previous belief into something entirely different??

    Doesn't this, in some small way, make Jehovah's Witnesses APOSTATES to THEMSELVES?

    When an honest complaint is made and no method of repair or redress is made possible; it is the party who disables the debate who CAUSES the Apostasy.

    Only a person of conscience can turn their back on a religion that turns a deaf ear to correction.

    Apostasy, therefore, is a sign of a healthy conscience that has met a dishonest and ignorant policy of stonewalling.


  • Tylinbrando

    Succinct and spot on. Love your mind Terry.

  • Terry

    Embrace the insults of fools.

    Wear the disapproval of false accusation as a badge of honor.

    The privilege of the Governing Body is a kind of KING'S X for blunders and nincompoopery.

    Ex-JW's stand upon the shoulders of giants in refusing the odious offer of the WT Society:

    "If you do as we say and don't question our credibility you are absolved of personal responsibility for our error by God. You have no standing with Jehovah and we do! "

  • talesin

    Embrace the insults of fools.

    Wear the disapproval of false accusation as a badge of honor.

    Yes! Actually, I embrace the insults of fools in any area of my life.

    Recently, I found out that my mother has been assassinating my character for years (yes, making up lies about me, my own mother ), and it hurt like hell, but I will now look on it as a badge of honour. Thanks for this post; it really helped me look at that particular betrayal from a different angle.

    And I love "nincompoopery", what a great word.



  • Finkelstein

    So what your saying then Terry is that its a good thing to be an apostate against the orchestrated lies and corruption of a religious publishing house

    such as the Watchtower Corporation. ?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It gave an elder pause when he brought up the me being a possible apostate thing when I told him I was baptised Anglican as a baby so technically I was an apostate from the Church of England. Well, I did answer what he wanted to know...just not how he wanted.

  • prologos

    apostates are the apogee of human endeavor.

  • Zordino

    "Embrace the insults of fools.

    Wear the disapproval of false accusation as a badge of honor."

    Good saying!

    nincompoopery will be my new word of the week. There is a Lot of that around me these days.


  • StephaneLaliberte

    But, if JW's have lies and distortion--they have every reason to fear criticism and would necessarily cringe at having their deeds exposed to the light of day.

    This is my main issue with the WT. Not being able to discuss anything. I believe that if they allowed that, the rest of the main issues would be resolved.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I think witnesses regard apostacy as the breaking of the oath of your baptisam in to the organisation.

    Terry you used the word " constipated" in one of your earlier posts and i think this word well describes the mind of a dedicated witness. Because to a dedicated witness the organisation" is praised with all a members life. So " constipated" clarifies the state of aa dedicated witnesses thinking mind..

    But they are also entiltled to there understanding of the word " Apostacy".The only problem is its not there understanding its the societies interpretation of the word. And the power of the interpretation of that word " apostacy"is that it creates pure hatred and even fear in to the dedicated witness.

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