Happy Birthday gorgeous and many more to come!
My daughter's first birthday
by dazed but not confused 40 Replies latest members private
dazed but not confused
Drwtsn32 - Awesome! Love it! But why wasn't I invited? :'(
You keep saying you and your family are coming to Colorado… but when?
Thanks Aude Sapere, Aunt Fancy, still thinking and amos77.
Today we are going to her cousin’s 2 nd birthday.
rip van winkle
Sweet girl, Happy 1st Birthday!!
Awesome timing - she gets to celebrate from her very first birthday!
Greetings and blessings to all of you.
That's what kids should be doing on a beautiful Saturday: having fun!
Happy birthday to your duaghter!
Hipy papy bthuthdth thuthda bthuthdy!!!
Happy Birthday Baby Dazed ! And congratulations to you and Mrs. Dazed on a lovely family you are bringing up . Peace out to you both from Mr. & Mrs. Flipper
What a cutie little doll baby. Your whole family is good lookin'. Lucky little girl.
Reopened Mind
Happy first birthday to your beautiful daughter and many more to you and your family.
Reopened Mind
ps: Isn't freedom from the cult great?
dazed but not confused
Thank you all. Yes the freedom from the cult mentally and physically is great. No more guilt for enjoying life. Her cousin is 1 year and 1 day older and had her birthday party today. It was nice.
This morning I went boating with a neighbor which was awesome. Making new friends. While I was away Mrs. Dazed and the kids went father’s day shopping. I’m looking forward to Christmas this year too. We want to give the kids a memorable upbringing.