Please explain why the elders are doing this to us

by label licker 33 Replies latest social physical

  • flipper

    LABEL LICKER- Indeed, I understand what you are going through. You are right. This IS an evil organization, it's a mind control cult through and through to it's very core. I've been where you are at and what you're experiencing - as many others have gone through as well on this board. These elders have no conscience, no ethics, no morals, and no REAL human empathy. They are like the Nazi Gestapo in the 2nd World War - they have their instructions from WT Society leaders and THAT is the priority to follow in " keeping the congregation clean " ( getting rid of dissenters top priority - helping people NOT a priority ).

    Elders came after me in 2007 even though I had NOT attended a meeting since 2003 in my " inactive " state. But you're right, like in my case they come after you based on gossip, unfounded or unsubstantiated rumors, and then if you DARE fight them or appeal a DFing decision like I did ( and you win like I did ) - then after you WIN your appeal the elders will gossip some more untruths about you because you pissed them off because you won your DF appeal ! So you win the battle , but lose the war so to speak because they'll slander and defame your character more - even though you win fair and square ! Lovely people, eh ? NOT.

    So your idea of NOT meeting with them is a great idea. Don't waste your time. If they want to paint you as villains- they're going to paint you as villains and there really isn't a damned thing you can do about it if these elders have an axe to grind with you an want to malign your character to other JW's. Listen to what I say here, and this is important : Don't worry about trying to impress these weak minded people. It will cause you so much emotional duress fighting it, and then you'll get MORE frustrated if you think you've won- then find out they'll blaspheme you anyway.

    It reminds me of some words from a David Gilmour Pink Floyd song that goes : " Well, I offered my hand to my enemy and I said " can we wipe the slate clean ? ' but they tell me to plase go " fuck yourself " - you know you just can't win. "

    Point I'm making is some people just aren't worth impressing , these elders are some of those kinds of people. Just try staying close to your own family and don't waste any more time on JW former friends. They'll just stab you in the back. From one who has been there. I wish you the best, we are here fo you

  • whathappened

    Theses elders are showing by their behavior what is really in their hearts...and it isn't LOVE!

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Idle gossip is not idle gossip, just depends who it is coming from. My mother who has a very strong personality, is now gossiping about myself and family and yep Elders are "Checking it out". Gossip is and has always been the down fall of many a good people. Elders will never go after the one who gossips. The most I have ever seen is a local needs talk about gossiping. But the damage is done..

    Peace be with you.

    affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever )

  • label licker
    label licker

    You guys don't know what your words have done for me(right now crying). We are right now posting no tresspassing signs around the property. If they enter it will be at their own risk. We spoke to the couple today and the elders told them that we did the same thing in the last hall knocking down the org. The sister told them to stop and didn't want to hear their gossip about us and then he starts reading her one scripture after another about gadding about. I asked how did they end up in the house and apparently when she answered the door she told them that she had said over the phone there was not going to be anymore shepherding calls and they said yeah we know what you said but now that we are here we would like to talk about your husband being seen talking to sister so and so. They were seen at a store together. If this sister didn't know me as well as she did it almost sounded like they were planting doubts in her to get her pissed off enough so she would spill the beans. At this point her husband wasn't home from work yet. Notice they made sure they said this without the husband there even though it was suppose to be about him. Just like when they brought us into it they should have come to see us but they were spreading slander to them. She asked why are you telling me this and they said we figure since you and your husband were close to us that they might know something. If we had such a bad reputation in the last hall then why did we come with a good letter and the co told the elders to use us so we were able to pioneer as well as work at bethel as day workers. They said that others from the congregation are coming forward saying that we spoke bad about the org(smell a setup coming) and that was only to get them to open up more. But it backfired. This is making me really really sick. More than anything we all want a good name for our reputation like the bible says there's nothing better than a good name but this is wicked wicked wicked. Tomorrow we will go and buy a tape recording device and we will see what happens next. Like I say, if they come onto the property and decide to piss us off then we will take it to the next step. They have no idea who they are dealing with and if this happens that we get df'd then you will read my story that will blow your minds. You'll also read a letter from our lawyer if they try anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will keep you posted

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Lable licker

    If you need some encouragement, please feel free to PM me. To try and offer encouragement from the scriptures on this forum is almost like beating your head against a brick wall.

    Believe me when I say It will get better, and My wife and I are going through a simiar thing right now. We are bound and determined to "Listen to the voice of the true shepherd, " not the imposters.

    affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Label Licker this is the note I sent to the local Elder body after we had been harrassed by them ,hope it helps you .

    We had been inactive almost four yrs when two Elders came by for a' sheparding call ' (fishing expedition) all of the sudden they started calling ,and stopping by without warning . I told them twice to stop calling ,and that if I needed anything I would contact them ,but they ignored my advice . So my next step was to visit the local Police and ask for a suggestion. The Officer told me to send a certified letter to the Hall and file a copy with the Police .... It was short and sweet and to the point .

    That was two years ago and we have not heard a word from them . Of course I am sure the congregation has been gossiped to about us ,but I really don't care about that anymore I just want peace and quiet and to be left alone .


    Attention to the Elder body of the ***** Congregation Of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    I specifically requested D S*** to inform the Elder body to stop calling, and stop coming to my home uninvited . My request has been ignored .

    I consider these repeated phone calls ,personal questions and uninvited visits as Harassment .

    Disrespect of my personal privacy is unacceptable . These intimidation tactics must come to an end .

    You are hereby notified to immediately terminate any contact with me ,including phone calls ,home visits , mail or electronic mail ..

    A copy of this letter has been filed with the local Police Station per legal counsel .

  • label licker
    label licker

    Spoke to a brother from bethel tonight who knows us well and he told us to come in and talk to a brother at the service desk but first should see the co about it first. If the co can't do anything then he will set up a meeting with the brother here at bethel and that brother will investigate the matter. They know us well at bethel and know what we are all about. The elder there cannot believe the stunt these elders are pulling before the co visit. We never knew congregations could be soooo evil and we told that bethel elder that. He told us to stay put, pray and keep reading our bible. We will not go back but we want this harrassment to be put to an end. Troubled Mind that might be the magic bullet that ends all this therefore not giving them a chance to df us.Or will they still do it? I would love to send it to that one elder that is causeing us the grief but I guess it should be sent to the body instead so none of them come near us. I'm starting to see that there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel. Thanks!

  • label licker
    label licker

    Brother of the Hawk I thank you and everyone here for your input. It's the waiting for their next move that is tearing my guts out. So we're trying to be a step ahead of them before the final crunch. Trying to pull a checkmate before they do it to us

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    You in Central California, this could be several of our COBEs who enjoy spreading dirty gossip and go to the last Hall new JWs families are from. One of the elderettes had made the praise of having a "back-ground check" before you join her Kingdom Hall, hope you did not join A.C.s Kingdom Hall! I will look for the thread the kind elderette posted on JWN, this will give you insights how cracked up these kooks are!

    Label Licker" Here the link of basket case and nutty-bag of rot Aunt Connie, she is into Kingdom Hall cleaning of the weak and undesireable Dubs. Enjoy the rantings of a real life ultra-rigtheous Shena Pharisee.

  • truthhurts13

    You dont need an attorney. Send them a Notarized affidavit. A (PRIVATE CONTRACT). An unrebutted afidavit stands as truth in Law.


    * Joe Elder, as of this date, TODAYS DATE, any visits made to the property commonly know as (YOUR ADDRESS), By Joe Elder of the jaydubs, will constitute an agreement between all the party's, joint and several, one and all, that the Respondent(JOE ELDER), will personally incur a penalty in the amount of $5000.00(Or whatever number you want) overdue and owing per visit.

    *Affiant is being harassed, and see's no evidence to the contrary

    etc etc. This is a rough example, but hopefully you get the idea. You can do anything in the private, that an attorney can do in the public. Once you get your private contract, you can ratify it in a public court and have the judge enforce it. Then take the sheriff and go clean his bank account out. If you think this technology is not real, please research it. Again, your process has to be accurate and your civil procedure must be correct. I've done it myself already

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