Expect an extention. The WT wants this to drag on for as long as possible.
Candace Conti: Her respondent's brief is due on Tuesday
by DNCall 20 Replies latest jw friends
BTTT FYI, according to the California Court's scheduled actions Rick Simon, who represents Candace Conti and is the respondent, is required to submit his brief today, 05/28/13.
If you would like to check on the status of this appeal, use the following link: http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/dockets.cfm?dist=1&doc_id=2025979&doc_no=A136641. AnnOMaly provided this link in the thread Candace Conti: WTS Opening Appellate Brief Due Tomorrow.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Am I reading this right? It's been filed? 15,352-word brief. Over the word limit, and the judge has granted it.
Ooooh. That was in March.
jgnat - Am I reading this right? It's been filed? 15,352-word brief. Over the word limit, and the judge has granted it.
The WTBTS filed the brief in March that was over the 14,000 word limit.
Maybe Rick Simon's brief is in the mail, because the court website did not state that it was filed today.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Waiting patiently...
Any news yet ?
When's the next update due - we're into the 29th already!
Respondent notified re failure to file respondent's brief. 05/29/2013 Plaintiff and Respondent: Jane Doe
Attorney: Kelly I. KraetschCase on ready list; no reply by respondent to notice re failure to file brief. -
Respondent's brief. Plaintiff and Respondent: Jane Doe
Attorney: Kelly I. KraetschRespondent notified re failure to file respondent's brief. 05/29/2013 Plaintiff and Respondent: Jane Doe
Attorney: Kelly I. KraetschCase on ready list; no reply by respondent to notice re failure to file brief. 06/13/2013 Plaintiff and Respondent: Jane Doe
Attorney: Kelly I. KraetschWhat does this mean,, an extension to 6/13/13?
I guess it means an extension. I wonder what happened to Rick Simon. Since Kelly I. Kraetsch started practising law on 01/09/2012 is she Rick Simon's protege?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,