So where are his buildings, monuments, in real life ? WHy cant archeologists find them ? Where are the tourist attractions ?
Does anybody seriously believe Solomon was "great"
by mP 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
J. Hofer
they were figurative of course.
He built them invisibly.
Of Course He Was Great-He had a great appetite for sex, probably the most prolific wife/sex slave (concubines) accumulator in the world. That's pretty in the middle east have been trying to catch-up with his numbers ever since.
I have always had a problem with Solomon. He was supposed to be so wise, but he clearly knew nothing about wealth creation and sustaining wealth to the next generation.
His wealth came, not from productive activity, but from burdening the population with excessive taxes. Isn't this why the ten tribes eventually succeeded from the union?
And with all those children how could he possibly sustain power and wealth to the next generation. The dilutive effect of having hundreds of children prevented any of his offspring from keeping the family wealth.
So, I agree with your comment. If he was so wise we would be able to, even now, see the productive elements of his life.
The only great acehivement of his, was having his fantasy kingdom.You are right, he destroyed the unity of his confederation with his excessive taxes.
Band on the Run
It appears that Solomon only existed in the mind of an author. They believe Kings David and Solomon were invented to show that a later nation-state had legitimacy from a long, distinguished line of rulers. Both equate goodness with wealth.
I never believed the David and Goliath story. A few years ago the TV news showed a Palestinian youth swining a sling and huge rock. I always thought David used a Mark Twain Tom Sawyer sling. Now I believe that such a device could kill many giants.
I wrote to the society about Solomon...they keep calling him "wise King Solomon" in their magazines but I told them it should be "the once wise King Solomon" as he died an apostate!
They don't say the good Judas Iscariot do they? Even though at one point he was, no they say the traitor Judas...because that was what he was at the point of his death...
It can't be one rule fpr one and one for the other and both men did something detestable to Jehovah...
I got no reply from the society...
Depends Solomon of the bible was clearly a myth. The actual person he was based might have been a great figure. This was typical for the time one culture has a great king ruling. So another one say we had a much greater one in our past and then proceed to copy the current ones feats only adding on to them.