BTW have you been able to find any faders/xjws to hang out with? Are there meetups or ways to get together in Nigeria? I went back and read some of your previous posts, you sound like a nice (cheap) fellow
Crazy! I'm related to a TERRORIST!!
by ThisFellowCheap 19 Replies latest social current
I'm confused - what's the connection between Tobi, Michael the murderer and Damilola Taylor?
Their fathers both hail from the same home town, and they (Dami's dad and Tobi's mum) are relatives, and are also my mum's relations too.
Well, nope, there ain't any meetups and stuff here in Nigeria but I have tried to make new friends. In fact, I even started to go to churches with the explicit aims of making new friends, particularly one of the female folks. But things are not as interesting especially when one so adept to making conversations with strangers now finds out he can't even hold normal conversations with people as there seem to be little we have in common. And being a JW is more tolerate here than having agnotic views, so it still is rather dull social-wise. Only hope my academics wouldn't suffer too much as my desire to go to MIT for my PhD just suffered a dip with recent grades, but thanks for the concern. Yeah, and someone's got to have the good and the bad in the family, the one that hurts most is the ugly!
free @ last
I don't believe in any gods or supernatural beings either which makes it hard to connect with or be trusted by black people where I live. I'm uncomfortable when friends automatically assume I'm a god worshiper and sometimes feel like I have to correct them... never goes well. The complicating factor is, because of so many years of thrice weekly visits to the KH I can't get church attendance out of my system. And belief/non belief in god(s) comes up in my conversations way too frequently for the average person who generally believes that one doesn't discuss religion or politics in polite company. The truth is I want to hang out with people who dont go church at all and I aspire to be like them one day. But for now I love going to church on Sundays, thankfully I've found one that is very accepting of theists and non theists alike. The senior minister is an atheist of Jewish background who still observes the sabbath and the junior minister is a gay ex-catholic theist. The church is super liberal though so politically I don't really fit in.
Good luck with future exams! If you're in university still try connecting with people in the different clubs they have there.
It turns my guts every time I hear of the jw link to some thug and i cant help but wonder.
I believe you, but they're reporting that his parents are... Catholic.
Neverknew, that is the other murderer, the O.P refers to M.Adobowele.
ah.... sorry. Mixing up the murderers.... :-/
Easily done NK, same first name, and same letters almost in last name !
I am not clear how long ago there was a JW connection, sounds as though it was when he was very young ?
Perhaps TFC can tell us more, like when his mother was a JW too ?
I am so sorry!
Okay, so this has a bitter taste to the mouth but it has to be done!
Seemed I had inadvertently spread a false info here. Called my JW aunt in the UK for clarifications on why no one seemed to noticed that she (Aunt Juliet, Mrs Obasuyi) is/was a JW, and she said that Tobi's mum and her first hubby never did get baptised and her second hubby was a born-in but left JW. She said Aunt Juliet always played the JW card only when she needed favour from the family (since the bulk are JWs) and that she never really become one in the true sense of it. But she said while Tobi was never an unbaptised publisher he would accompany them in the field ministry and was an advanced bible student. Then, she gloated and said, "Jehovah knew what they would become and never allowed them to become his witnesses so that they would not bring dishonour to his name and organisation". I felt like puking, would have given her a sharp response but all on my mind was how I had given a wrong info here on JWN and the need to quickly right that wrong!
Please, I tender my unreserved apologies to anyone misled by this, it was very not delibrate! I shall henceforth be more careful with any info I give, verifying the details before dispersing them, for "words spoken are like broken eggs, they can't be patched back"
NB: Called my mum and confronted her with it, seemed she was as in the dark as me and never knew Aunty Juliet was at no time a BAPTISED JW! She said she'd call other members of family to verify that as it was all news to her.
Clarification is a good thing. A story is told and sometimes the finer points come out later. I don't think you have anything to be sorry for.
Thank you