Hello everybody, even though I don't post a lot, I visit and read the threads on this site quite frequently.
Wanted to give you a little update and ask for some advice at the same time. Since my exit, about 2 years ago, everything had been almost perfect. I was living on my own, making new friends, elders from my old hall weren't bothering me at all, I was enjoying life. I was living in my mother's house, mind you, since she was living with her new husband, along with 2 siblings.
Then about 6 months ago she decided to move back in, and since it's a big house and I was getting to see my brother again (he's 10), I didnt see the need to move out. At the beginning everything was great, my mother respected my decision not to attend meetings anymore since she wasn´t attending meetings herself, and her husband is a good enough likable guy.
But then it happened. She attended the Memorial, and for some reason she started attendind meetings once again. I guess all the loveboming worked on her husband as well, since he started studying with a brother from that hall. My little brother has started going out in field service for the 1st time in his life, and he excitedly told me he had just enrolled in the TMS, and was going to give his first talk in June. They have made it a habit to go out in field service every Saturday morning and on Sundays a brother from the hall and his wife come over to conduct the study with my mother´s husband.
Needless to say, this has been an unpleasant and difficult experience for me. My mother is starting to say I'm a bad influence and she has started limiting the time my little brother spends with me. Once she went as far as to say that she would "pick up my remains after Armaggedon". It is also not a pleasant experience to come home and find them singing "theocratic" songs as part of their family worship night. This Sunday I got home to find 3 witness families having lunch in the dining room, and even though I´m not disfellowshipped they know I don't attend meetings anymore and well, you know how that goes, awkward as hell.
It is really tempting to just move out, since I have the means to do so, but Im worried about my brother. What would you do? Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.